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Principle Investigator: Adameyko, Igor Grant: 4D-Healing Data Driven Drug Discovery in Wound HealingSource of funding: Austrian Science Fund (FWF)
Principle Investigator: Adameyko, Igor Grant: Bifurcation analysis on diverse cell types and sysemsSource of funding: Austrian Science Fund (FWF) - SFBs
Principle Investigator: Adameyko, Igor Grant: Brain ResilienceSource of funding: Austrian Science Fund (FWF) - Emerging Fields
Principle Investigator: Adameyko, Igor Grant: Control of multipotency in neural crest in health and diseaseSource of funding: Austrian Science Fund (FWF)
Principle Investigator: Adameyko, Igor Grant: Investigating human skin regenerationSource of funding: European Commission (EC)
Principle Investigator: Adameyko, Igor Grant: Molecular control of autonomic nervous system cell typesSource of funding: Austrian Science Fund (FWF)
Principle Investigator: Adameyko, Igor Grant: Targeted Cell Recruitment during organogenesis and regeneration: glia makes the toothSource of funding: European Commission (EC)
Principle Investigator: Adameyko, Igor Grant: Using cell-cell interactions to unlock new cancer treatments: Forcing neural crest tumors back on to the developmental pathSource of funding: European Commission (EC) - ERC


Principle Investigator: Bartha-Doering, Lisa Grant: BUILD CARE: Building Support for Children and Families Affected by StrokeSource of funding: European Commission (EC)
Principle Investigator: Bartha-Doering, Lisa Grant: Language network reorganization following childhood strokeSource of funding: Jubiläumsfond der Österreichischen Nationalbank
Principle Investigator: Bartha-Doering, Lisa Grant: Prenatal brain asymmetry and languageSource of funding: Austrian Science Fund (FWF)
Principle Investigator: Bauer, Jan Grant: Grant for Multiple Sclerosis Innovation 2020 Research Project Source of funding: Merck Healthcare
Principle Investigator: Bauer, Jan Grant: Inflammation and Viruses in EpilepsySource of funding: Austrian Science Fund (FWF)
Principle Investigator: Bauer, Jan Grant: Novel pathogenic B cell subsets driving tissue damage in multple sclerosisSource of funding: Austrian Science Fund (FWF)
Principle Investigator: Bauer, Jan Grant: Rasmussen Encephalitis: cause and immune reactionsSource of funding: Austrian Science Fund (FWF)
Principle Investigator: Bauer, Jan Grant: Treatment of MOG peptide-induced EAE in marmosetsSource of funding: Biomedical Primate Center (BPRC)
Principle Investigator: Berger, Johannes Grant: Immunzellen bei X-chromosomaler AdrenoleukodystrophieSource of funding: FWF
Principle Investigator: Berger, Johannes Grant: Role of plasmalogens in ether lipid-associated pathologiesSource of funding: FWF
Principle Investigator: Berger, Johannes Grant: Veränderung der Neurotransmitter bei Etherlipid- MangelSource of funding: FWF
Principle Investigator: Bradl, Monika Grant: Deep Molecular Analysis of Lesion Formation in NMOSDSource of funding: Austrian Science Fund (FWF)
Principle Investigator: Bradl, Monika Grant: From aquaporin 4-specific auto-antibodies to improvements in diagnosis/therapy of neuromyelitis opticaSource of funding: Else Kröner-Fresenius-Stiftung
Principle Investigator: Bradl, Monika Grant: Immune responses and epitope spreading in neuromyelitis opticaSource of funding: FWF Doc.Funds
Principle Investigator: Bradl, Monika Grant: Immune Responses in Neuromyelitis Optica (NMO) Source of funding: Austrian Science Fund (FWF)
Principle Investigator: Bradl, Monika Grant: Mimotopes for pathogenic AQP4-specific Antibodies in NMOSource of funding: Austrian Science Fund (FWF)
Principle Investigator: Bradl, Monika Grant: Repertoire/antigen recognition of brain-infiltrating immune cells in progressive MSSource of funding: Austrian Science Fund (FWF)
Principle Investigator: Bradl, Monika Grant: Type I interferons and anti-DNA antibodies in neuromyelitis opticaSource of funding: Austrian Science Fund (FWF)


Principle Investigator: Drdla-Schutting, Ruth Grant: The role of spinal astrocytes in nociception and painSource of funding: FWF
Principle Investigator: Drexler, Wolfgang Grant: BIOPSYPENSource of funding: EU
Principle Investigator: Drexler, Wolfgang Grant: Photoacoustic Imaging in Medicine and BiologySource of funding: FWF


Principle Investigator: Ernst, Margot Grant: Alpha6 GABAA receptors in neuropsychiatric disordersSource of funding: FWF
Principle Investigator: Ernst, Margot Grant: Identification of binding sites in GABA-A receptorsSource of funding: FWF
Principle Investigator: Ernst, Margot Grant: Ligands for the GABA-A receptor alpha+/ beta- interfaceSource of funding: FWF
Principle Investigator: Ernst, Margot Grant: NeuroDeRiskSource of funding: EU /IMI2


Principle Investigator: Fellinger, Matthäus Grant: Einfluss der COVID-19-Pandemie auf das Leben und die Behandlung von Personen mit Psychose aus dem schizophrenen Formenkreis: eine qualitative StudieSource of funding: Medizinisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fonds des Bürgermeisters der Bundeshauptstadt Wien
Principle Investigator: Fischer, Gabriele Grant: Reducing hepatitis C sexual and drug taking risk behaviours among female drug users in Europe: translating evidence into practice. Source of funding: European Commission, Directorate – General Justice
Principle Investigator: Fischer, Michael Grant: TRPA1 in ischemic cardiovascular diseaseSource of funding: FWF


Principle Investigator: Hahn, Andreas Grant: Multimodal associations of human brain plasticity investigated with simultaneous PET/MRSource of funding: Austrian Science Fund
Principle Investigator: Harkany, Tibor Grant: Astrocyte-neuron interactions in the hypothalamus and their changes in obesity (Novo Nordisk Foundation)Source of funding: Novo Nordisk Foundation
Principle Investigator: Harkany, Tibor Grant: FOODFORLIFE, ERC advanced grant awardSource of funding: European Research Council
Principle Investigator: Harkany, Tibor Grant: Genetic determinants of treatment resistant depressionSource of funding: Medical Neuroscience Cluster, Medical University of Vienna
Principle Investigator: Harkany, Tibor Grant: Interaktioner mellan neuron och gliaceller i hypotalamus, och deras roll vid missbruk av psykoaktiva droger (Vetenskapsrådet)Source of funding: Swedish Medical Research Council
Principle Investigator: Harkany, Tibor Grant: SECRET-CELLS, ERC advanced grant awardSource of funding: European Research Council
Principle Investigator: Haubensak, Wulf Grant: Circuit mechanics of emotions in the limbic systemSource of funding: ERC Starting Grant (Consolidator track)
Principle Investigator: Haubensak, Wulf Grant: Impulsivity control circuits Source of funding: Boehringer Ingelheim
Principle Investigator: Haubensak, Wulf Grant: Patterning valence specific memory dopamine subsystems Source of funding: DACH (FWF/DFG)
Principle Investigator: Herbst, Ruth Grant: Characterizing Agrin-dependent MuSK traffickingSource of funding: FWF
Principle Investigator: Herbst, Ruth Grant: Characterizing the Role of MuSK Serine PhosphorylationSource of funding: FWF
Principle Investigator: Huck, Sigismund Grant: OCT3 im sympathischen Nervensystem der Ratte Source of funding: FWF
Principle Investigator: Höftberger, Romana Grant: Biological markers in patients with anti-neuronal autoimmune encephalitisSource of funding: Jubiläumsfonds der Österreichischen Nationalbank
Principle Investigator: Höftberger, Romana Grant: Biological markers in patients with visual impairment due to autoimmune retinopathySource of funding: Medizinisch-Wissenschaftliche Fonds des Bürgermeisters der Bundeshauptstadt Wien
Principle Investigator: Höftberger, Romana Grant: Spinal cord injury induced systemic maladaptive immune response and autoimmunity to CNSSource of funding: FWF


Principle Investigator: Kadi, Barbara Grant: Topographies of the Body Source of funding: FWF
Principle Investigator: Kapusta, Nestor D. Grant: Entwicklung eines österreichweiten Curriculums in Suizidprävention: SUPRA Gatekeeper-TrainingSource of funding: HVSVT
Principle Investigator: Kapusta, Nestor D. Grant: Lithium in drinking water and prescriptions effects on suicide mortalitySource of funding: FWF
Principle Investigator: Karwautz, Andreas Grant: GWAS in ANSource of funding: Wellcome Trust
Principle Investigator: Karwautz, Andreas Grant: Internet-based self-help for bulimia nervosaSource of funding: ÖNB
Principle Investigator: Karwautz, Andreas Grant: MHAT - Epidemiology of mental health problems in Austrian teenagersSource of funding: HVSV
Principle Investigator: Karwautz, Andreas Grant: SUCCEAT - Supporting carers of eating disordered adolescentsSource of funding: HVSV
Principle Investigator: Karwautz, Andreas Grant: TDMVIGIL - Therapeutic drug monitoring in child and adoelscent psychiatrySource of funding: Bfarm
Principle Investigator: Kasper, Siegfried Grant: Multimodal Assessment of Neurobiological Markers for Psychiatric Disorders (MAN-BIOPSY)Source of funding: Austrian National Bank
Principle Investigator: Keimpema, Erik Grant: Ketamine treatment in patients with schizophrenia for depression and mechanisms of action in a DISC1 mouse modelSource of funding: Medical Neuroscience Cluster
Principle Investigator: Keimpema, Erik Grant: The effects of THC on the developing postnatal hippocampusSource of funding: FWF
Principle Investigator: Klausberger, Thomas Grant: Hippocampal Circuits for Associative Learning and MemorySource of funding: Austrian Science Fund (FWF)
Principle Investigator: Klausberger, Thomas Grant: Identified Prefrontal Neurons in a Working Memory TaskSource of funding: FWF - Der Wissenschaftsfonds
Principle Investigator: Klausberger, Thomas Grant: Imaging Neuronal Circuits of the Prefrontal Cortex during a Gambling TaskSource of funding: Wiener Wissenschafts-, Forschungs- und Technologiefonds WWTF
Principle Investigator: Klausberger, Thomas Grant: Neuronal Circuits of the Ventral CA1 Hippocampus and AnxietySource of funding: Austrian Science Fund (FWF)
Principle Investigator: Klausberger, Thomas Grant: Prefrontal circuits for cognitive flexibility in an extradimensional set-shifting task for mice and humansSource of funding: Wiener Wissenschafts-, Forschungs- und Technologiefonds WWTF
Principle Investigator: Koneczny, Inga Grant: IgG4-TREAT "Systematic study of IgG4-autoimmune diseases to develop new treatment strategies".Source of funding: Horizon Europe (HORIZON)-Call: HORIZON-MSCA-2022-DN-01
Principle Investigator: Kraus, Christoph Grant: Glucose Consumption During Deep Brain Stimulation with Functional [18F]FDG-Brain-PET in Obsessive-Compulsive DisorderSource of funding: NARSAD - Young Investigator Grant
Principle Investigator: Kraus, Christoph Grant: Ketamine and Stress in Obsessive-Compulsive DisorderSource of funding: FWF


Principle Investigator: Lanzenberger, Rupert Grant: The Norepinephrine Transporter in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder investigated with PETSource of funding: FWF
Principle Investigator: Lanzenberger, Rupert Grant: Effects of sex steroid hormones on serotonin synthesis and degradation measured with PETSource of funding: FWF
Principle Investigator: Lanzenberger, Rupert Grant: Enhancement of learning associated neural plasticity by Selective Serotonin Reuptake InhibitorsSource of funding: FWF
Principle Investigator: Lanzenberger, Rupert Grant: Multimodal Neuroimaging in Clinical Neurosciences – Assessment of neurobiological markers for psychiatric disordersSource of funding: Research Cluster between Medical University & University of Vienna
Principle Investigator: Lassmann, Hans Grant: Angeborene Immunität und Entstehung initialer MS-LäsionenSource of funding: Austrian Science Fund (FWF)
Principle Investigator: Lassmann, Hans Grant: BIG WIG-MS (Bildgebung, Immunpathogenese, Gesundheitsfaktoren bei Multipler Sklerose)Source of funding: BMWF
Principle Investigator: Lassmann, Hans Grant: Cortical lesions in Multiple Sclerosis: a correlate of disease progression?Source of funding: Austrian Science Fund (FWF)
Principle Investigator: Lassmann, Hans Grant: Initial Training Network for Neurological Disorders orchestrated by cytokines (NeuroKine)Source of funding: European Commission - Marie Curie Actions - Initial Training Networks
Principle Investigator: Lassmann, Hans Grant: Mechanisms of Brain InflammationSource of funding: European Commission (EC)
Principle Investigator: Lassmann, Hans Grant: Mechanisms of Lymphocytes Transmigration Across the Blood Brain Barrier (MELTRA-BBB)Source of funding: Austrian Science Fund (FWF)
Principle Investigator: Lassmann, Hans Grant: Microglia Activation and Neurodegeneration in Multiple SclerosisSource of funding: Austrian Science Fund (FWF)
Principle Investigator: Lassmann, Hans Grant: Neurodegeneration in Multiple Sclerosis: The role of oxidative damageSource of funding: Austrian Science Fund (FWF)
Principle Investigator: Lassmann, Hans Grant: Neuroprotective strategies for Multiple SclerosisSource of funding: European Commission (EC)
Principle Investigator: Lasztoczi, Balint Grant: Circuits for cortical controlSource of funding: Austrian Science Fund (FWF)
Principle Investigator: Lasztoczi, Balint Grant: Hippocampal Circuits for Multiple Gamma OscillationsSource of funding: Austrian Science Fund (FWF)


Principle Investigator: Melzer, Sarah Grant: Neuronal and Neuropeptidergic Mechanisms for Flexible Control of Learning and MemorySource of funding: WWTF
Principle Investigator: Melzer, Sarah Grant: Neuropeptidergic modulation of synaptic circuits in fear and anxietySource of funding: ERC


Principle Investigator: Nagy, Vanja Grant: Characterising the Neuronal Function of HACE1 E3 Ubiquitin LigaseSource of funding: ÖAW
Principle Investigator: Nagy, Vanja Grant: Multifunctional roles of the sensory nervous systemSource of funding: FWF
Principle Investigator: Nagy, Vanja Grant: Sensory neuronal regulation of the immune response to bacterial infectionSource of funding: ÖAW


Principle Investigator: Pollak, Daniela Grant: Long-term effects of prenatal immune activation on depression-like behaviour in the mouseSource of funding: Austrian Science Fund (FWF)
Principle Investigator: Pollak, Daniela Grant: Neurobiologische Grundlagen der Depression bei akut intermittierender Porphyrie Source of funding: FWF
Principle Investigator: Pollak, Daniela Grant: Neuronale Schaltkreise von erlerntem FürsorgeverhaltenSource of funding: FWF
Principle Investigator: Pollak, Daniela Grant: Neurotransmitter transporter in animal models of mood disordersSource of funding: Austrian Science Fund (FWF)
Principle Investigator: Pollak, Daniela Grant: STAT3-dependent regulation of serotonin transporter (SERT) function Source of funding: Austrian Science Fund (FWF)
Principle Investigator: Pollak, Daniela Grant: Suszeptibilität und Plastizität nach pränataler InfektionSource of funding: FWF


Principle Investigator: Robinson, Simon Grant: “Klinische Funktionelle Magnetresonanztomographie bei 7 Tesla”Source of funding: FWF
Principle Investigator: Romanov, Roman Grant: A14 neurons in mediating neuromedin-S effect on feedingSource of funding: FWF
Principle Investigator: Romanov, Roman Grant: Brain Resilience (co-PI)Source of funding: FWF
Principle Investigator: Romanov, Roman Grant: Hypothalamic dopamine neurons in feeding behavior and circadian activity in mice and humansSource of funding: Medical Neuroscience Cluster


Principle Investigator: Sachs, Gabriele Grant: PSYSCAN - Translating neuroimaging findings from research into clinical practiceSource of funding: EU
Principle Investigator: Sandkühler, Jürgen Grant: A novel role for opioids - Reversal of established hyperalgesia and chronic painSource of funding: WWTF
Principle Investigator: Sandkühler, Jürgen Grant: Synaptic long-term potentiation after opioid withdrawalSource of funding: FWF
Principle Investigator: Sandkühler, Jürgen Grant: Synaptic mechanisms of pain amplification and pain generation in the spinal cordSource of funding: Oesterreichische Nationalbank
Principle Investigator: Scholze, Petra Grant: Human Nicotinic Receptor Polymorphisms in Synaptic PathologySource of funding: FWF
Principle Investigator: Scholze, Petra Grant: Involvement of GABAA receptors in modulation of neuropathic pain in animal modelsSource of funding: oead
Principle Investigator: Scholze, Petra Grant: Neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors dissectedSource of funding: FWF
Principle Investigator: Scholze, Petra Grant: Untersuchung neuer, möglicherweise nervenspezifischer, Varianten des Organischen Kationen-Transporters OCT3 Source of funding: Hochschuljubiläumsstiftung der Stadt Wien
Principle Investigator: Schosser, Alexandra Grant: Einflussfaktoren auf die berufsbezogene Therapiemotivation in der ambulanten psychiatrischen RehabilitationSource of funding: Medizinisch-Wissenschaftlicher Fonds des Bürgermeisters der Bundeshauptstadt Wien
Principle Investigator: Schosser, Alexandra Grant: Wiener Studie zur Genetik von Suizidalität bei affektiven ErkrankungenSource of funding:
Principle Investigator: Schosser, Alexandra Grant: Wiener Studie zur Genetik von Suizidalität bei affektiven ErkrankungenSource of funding: Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung (FWF) (KLI 220)
Principle Investigator: Steinkellner, Thomas Grant: Regulation of VGLUT2 in aging-related neurodegenerative disordersSource of funding: NIH
Principle Investigator: Steinkellner, Thomas Grant: Role of dopamine-glutamate co-release in Parkinson s diseaseSource of funding: FWF (Austrian Science Fund)
Principle Investigator: Steinkellner, Thomas Grant: VGLUT2 function in dopamine neuron vulnerabilitySource of funding: FWF (Austrian Science Fund)
Principle Investigator: Stögmann, Elisabeth Grant: LETHE - Digital Cognitive BiomarkersSource of funding: EU Horizon 2020
Principle Investigator: Stögmann, Elisabeth Grant: Memento - A persuasive system supporting Memory and Moments of people with Early and Middle stage of dementiaSource of funding: FFG (Vienna)


Principle Investigator: Wancata, Johannes Grant: EU-VIORMED: European study on Violence Risk and Mental DisordersSource of funding: European Commission
Principle Investigator: Wancata, Johannes Grant: Prävalenz und Versorgung psychischer Krankheiten in ÖsterreichSource of funding: Hauptverband der österreichischen Sozialversicherungsträger
Principle Investigator: Wancata, Johannes Grant: RE-DEFINE: Refugee Emergency: Defining and Implementing Novel Evidence-based psychosocial interventionsSource of funding: Horizon 2020
Principle Investigator: Wancata, Johannes Grant: Wiederaufnahmerisiko von Heavy Usern psychiatrischer DiensteSource of funding: Niederösterreichische Gesundheits- und Sozialfonds
Principle Investigator: Weinhofer-Molisch, Isabelle Grant: Die Rolle von Peroxisomen im HormonstoffwechselSource of funding: FWF
Principle Investigator: Weinhofer-Molisch, Isabelle Grant: Liquid biopsy for peripheral disease monitoring in X-ALDSource of funding: FWF
Principle Investigator: Weinhofer-Molisch, Isabelle Grant: Liquid biopsy for peripheral disease monitoring in X-ALDSource of funding: FWF
Principle Investigator: Winter, Lilli Grant: Molecular mechanisms of plectin-related muscular dystrophySource of funding: FWF


Principle Investigator: Yang, Jae-Won Grant: In vivo phosphorylation in Kv7 potassium channelsSource of funding: FWF


Principle Investigator: Zach, Heidemarie Grant: Dopamine-responsive and dopamine-resistant tremor in Parkinson`s diseaseSource of funding: FWF
Principle Investigator: Zebenholzer, Karin Grant: Emotion recognition in faces, theory of mind, cognition and MRI in patients with multiple sclerosis Source of funding: Österreichische Multiple Sklerose Forschungsgesellschaft
Principle Investigator: Zrzavy, Tobias Grant: Die Trias aus Blut, Lymphe und CSF in der Multiplen Sklerose Source of funding: FWF