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Tibor Harkany
Univ. Prof. Dr. Tibor Harkany, MSc., Ph.D, MAEProfessor of Molecular Neurosciences

Division of Molecular Neurosciences (Center for Brain Research)
Position: Professor

Location: Center for Brain Research, Spitalgasse 4, 2nd floor (left)
Phone: +43 1 40160-34050

Further Information

Research Area

Developmental Biology, Neuroendocrinology, Single-Cell Analysis

Research Interests

Child Development, Endocannabinoids, Synapses

Principle Investigator(s)

  • Harkany, Tibor (Head)
  • Abstract

    The nervous system consists of a kaleidoscope of molecularly distinct neurons and glial cells whose local, as well as long-distance communication underpin particular behaviors. We are interested in elucidating key developmental mechanisms that control the molecular diversification of neurons and astrocytes, and their activity-dependent integration in neuronal circuits. We are particularly interested in the study of the developmental determination of neuroendocrine modalities in the hypothalamus, and how bioactive lipid signals orchestrate histogenesis via cell type-sepcific receptor systems. Our work is expected to increase knowledge on the molecular pathobiology of prenatal cannabis exposure, epilepsy, and diabetes.


    Our technical abilities encompass single-cell biology (single-cell and single-nucleus RNA-seq, ATAC-seq), spatial transcriptomics, advanced imaging of intact and optically-cleared tissues, mouse genetics, protein biochemistry, Ca2+-imaging, ex vivo (slice) electrophysiology, behavioral and endocrine analyses, and others. We have invested significantly in acquiring a number of state-of-the-art technical paltforms as "first" in Austria.

    Selected publications

    1. Benevento M, Alpár A, Gundacker A, Afjehi L, Balueva K, Hevesi Z, Hanics J, Rehman S, Pollak D, Lubec G, Wulff P, Prevot V, Horvath T, Harkany T (2024) A brainstem–hypothalamus neuronal circuit reduces feeding upon heat exposure Nature, online
    2. Korchynska S, Rebernik P, Pende M, Boi L, Alpár A, Tasan R, Becker K, Balueva K, Saghafi S, Wulff P, Horvath T, Fisone G, Dodt H, Hökfelt T, Harkany T, Romanov R (2022) A hypothalamic dopamine locus for psychostimulant-induced hyperlocomotion in mice Nat Commun, 13 (1)
    3. Keimpema E, Di Marzo V, Harkany T (2021) Biological basis of cannabinoid medicines Science, 374 (6574): 1449-1450
    4. Stagkourakis S, Smiley K, Williams P, Kakadellis S, Ziegler K, Bakker J, Brown R, Harkany T, Grattan D, Broberger C (2020) A Neuro-hormonal Circuit for Paternal Behavior Controlled by a Hypothalamic Network Oscillation Cell, 182 (4): 960-975.e15
    5. Romanov R, Tretiakov E, Kastriti M, Zupancic M, Häring M, Korchynska S, Popadin K, Benevento M, Rebernik P, Lallemend F, Nishimori K, Clotman F, Andrews W, Parnavelas J, Farlik M, Bock C, Adameyko I, Hökfelt T, Keimpema E, Harkany T (2020) Molecular design of hypothalamus development Nature, 582(7811): 246-252
    6. Alpár A, Zahola P, Hanics J, Hevesi Z, Korchynska S, Benevento M, Pifl C, Zachar G, Perugini J, Severi I, Leitgeb P, Bakker J, Miklosi AG, Tretiakov E, Keimpema E, Arque G, Tasan RO, Sperk G, Malenczyk K, Máté Z, Erdélyi F, Szabó G, Lubec G, Palkovits M, Giordano A, Hökfelt TG, Romanov RA, Horvath TL, Harkany T. (2018) Hypothalamic CNTF volume transmission shapes cortical noradrenergic excitability upon acute stress EMBO J., 37: e100087
    7. Fuzik J, Zeisel A, Máté Z, Calvigioni D, Yanagawa Y, Szabó G, Linnarsson S, Harkany T (2015) Integration of electrophysiological recordings with single-cell RNA-seq data identifies neuronal subtypes Nat Biotechnol, 34 (2): 175-183

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