Division of Pathobiology of the Nervous System (Center for Brain Research)
Position: Research Assistant
Location: Spitalgasse 4
Phone: +43 1 40160-34094
E-Mail: xenia.simeone@univie.ac.at
Research Area
Cysteine Loop Ligand-Gated Ion Channel Receptors
Research Interests
Receptors, GABA-A, Receptors, Nicotinic
Principle Investigator(s)
Selected publications
- Simeone X, Koniuszewski F, Müllegger M, Smetka A, Steudle F, Puthenkalam R, Ernst M, Scholze P (2021) A Benzodiazepine Ligand with Improved GABAA Receptor α5-Subunit Selectivity Driven by Interactions with Loop C Mol Pharmacol, 99 (1): 39-48
- Steudle F, Rehman S, Bampali K, Simeone X, Rona Z, Hauser E, Schmidt W, Scholze P, Ernst M (2020) A novel de novo variant of GABRA1 causes increased sensitivity for GABA in vitro Sci Rep, 10 (1): 2379
| Article (PDF) | - Sharp B, Jiang Q, Simeone X, Scholze P (2020) Allosteric Modulation of GABAA Receptors in Rat Basolateral Amygdala Blocks Stress-Enhanced Reacquisition of Nicotine Self-Administration ACS, 3 (6): 1158-1164
- Iorio M, Vogel F, Koniuszewski F, Scholze P, Rehman S, Simeone X, Schnürch M, Mihovilovic M, Ernst M (2020) GABAA Receptor Ligands Often Interact with Binding Sites in the Transmembrane Domain and in the Extracellular Domain—Can the Promiscuity Code Be Cracked? Int J Mol Sci, 21 (1): 334
- Simeone X, Karch R, Ciuraszkiewicz A, Orr‐Urtreger A, Lemmens‐Gruber R, Scholze P, Huck S (2019) The role of the nAChR subunit α5, β2, and β4 on synaptic transmission in the mouse superior cervical ganglion Phys Reports, 7 (6): e14023