Department of Neurology (Department of Neurology)
Position: Senior physician
Location: Waehringer Guertel 18-20, AT-1090 Vienna
Phone: +43 1 +43 1 40400 31200
E-Mail: hakan.cetin@meduniwien.ac.at
Research Area
Neurodegeneration, Neuromuscular Diseases
Research Interests
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, Myasthenia Gravis, Myasthenic Syndromes, Congenital
Principle Investigator(s)
Interest Group(s)
Our research activities focus on neuromuscular disorders with a special interest in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and myasthenic syndromes, covering epidemiological and genetic aspects as well as basic research. The Motor Neuron Disease Clinic at the Department of Neurology is member of ENCALS, the European Network to Cure ALS, and involved in clinical trials as well as (inter)national collaborations. Our group runs an ALS registry, currently covering demographic and clinical data of more than 300 ALS patients, and utilises a biobank including DNA, CSF, serum and ALS brain samples.
- NGS techniqes
- Molecular biology
- Electrophysiology (cell cultures)
- Immunostaining/Imaging
- (Pharmaco)Epidemiology ("big data")
Selected publications
- Cetin H, Wurm R, Reichardt B, Tomschik M, Silvaieh S, Parvizi T, König T, Erber A, Schernhammer E, Stamm T, Stögmann E (2020) Increased risk of death associated with the use of proton‐pump inhibitors in patients with dementia and controls – a pharmacoepidemiological claims data analysis Eur J Neurol, 27 (8): 1422-1428
- Cetin H, Webster R, Liu W, Nagaishi A, Koneczny I, Zimprich F, Maxwell S, Cossins J, Beeson D, Vincent A (2020) Myasthenia gravis AChR antibodies inhibit function of rapsyn-clustered AChRs J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 91 (5): 526-532
- Cetin H, Beeson D, Vincent A, Webster R (2020) The Structure, Function, and Physiology of the Fetal and Adult Acetylcholine Receptor in Muscle Front Mol Neurosci, 13
- Cetin H, Epstein M, Liu W, Maxwell S, Rodriguez Cruz P, Cossins J, Vincent A, Webster R, Biggin P, Beeson D (2019) Muscle acetylcholine receptor conversion into chloride conductance at positive potentials by a single mutation PNAS, 116 (42): 21228-21235
- Cetin H, Liu W, Cheung J, Cossins J, Vanhaesebrouck A, Maxwell S, Vincent A, Beeson D, Webster R (2019) Rapsyn facilitates recovery from desensitization in fetal and adult acetylcholine receptors expressed in a muscle cell line J. Physiol., 597 (14): 3713-3725