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Medical NeuroScience Cluster Publications by Cetin, Hakan, MD, DPhil

2021 Original Articles

  • Rath J, Schober B, Zulehner G, Grisold A, Krenn M, Cetin H, Zimprich F (2021) Nerve conduction studies in Guillain-Barré syndrome: Influence of timing and value of repeated measurements J Neurol Sci, 420: 117267
  • Rath J, Zulehner G, Schober B, Grisold A, Krenn M, Cetin H, Zimprich F (2021) Cerebrospinal fluid analysis in Guillain–Barré syndrome: value of albumin quotients J Neurol,

2020 Original Articles

  • Tomschik M, Hilger E, Rath J, Mayer E, Fahrner M, Cetin H, Löscher W, Zimprich F (2020) Subgroup stratification and outcome in recently diagnosed generalized myasthenia gravis Neurology, 95 (10): e1426-e1436
  • Cetin H, Sun J, Almqvist C, Reichardt B, Tomschik M, Zimprich F, Fang F, Ingre C (2020) No association between proton pump inhibitor use and ALS risk: a nationwide nested case–control study Sci Rep, 10 (1)
  • Cetin H, Webster R, Liu W, Nagaishi A, Koneczny I, Zimprich F, Maxwell S, Cossins J, Beeson D, Vincent A (2020) Myasthenia gravis AChR antibodies inhibit function of rapsyn-clustered AChRs J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 91 (5): 526-532
  • Cetin H, Beeson D, Vincent A, Webster R (2020) The Structure, Function, and Physiology of the Fetal and Adult Acetylcholine Receptor in Muscle Front Mol Neurosci, 13
  • Wurm R, Stamm T, Reichardt B, Schwarz F, Parvizi T, Silvaieh S, König T, Cetin H, Stögmann E (2020) Prescription patterns of antidementives in a high income country: A pharmacoepidemiologic study Alzheimer's Dement, 6 (1)
  • Cetin H, Wurm R, Reichardt B, Tomschik M, Silvaieh S, Parvizi T, König T, Erber A, Schernhammer E, Stamm T, Stögmann E (2020) Increased risk of death associated with the use of proton‐pump inhibitors in patients with dementia and controls – a pharmacoepidemiological claims data analysis Eur J Neurol, 27 (8): 1422-1428
  • Krenn M, Grisold A, Wohlfarth P, Rath J, Cetin H, Koneczny I, Zimprich F (2020) Pathomechanisms and Clinical Implications of Myasthenic Syndromes Exacerbated and Induced by Medical Treatments Front Mol Neurosci, 13

2019 Original Articles

  • Cetin H, Liu W, Cheung J, Cossins J, Vanhaesebrouck A, Maxwell S, Vincent A, Beeson D, Webster R (2019) Rapsyn facilitates recovery from desensitization in fetal and adult acetylcholine receptors expressed in a muscle cell line J. Physiol., 597 (14): 3713-3725
  • Cetin H, Epstein M, Liu W, Maxwell S, Rodriguez Cruz P, Cossins J, Vincent A, Webster R, Biggin P, Beeson D (2019) Muscle acetylcholine receptor conversion into chloride conductance at positive potentials by a single mutation PNAS, 116 (42): 21228-21235
  • Erber A, Cetin H, Berry D, Schernhammer E (2019) The role of gut microbiota, butyrate and proton pump inhibitors in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: a systematic review Int J Neurosci, 130 (7): 727-735
  • Krenn M, Tomschik M, Rath J, Cetin H, Grisold A, Zulehner G, Milenkovic I, Stogmann E, Zimprich A, Strom T, Meitinger T, Wagner M, Zimprich F (2019) Genotype‐guided diagnostic reassessment after exome sequencing in neuromuscular disorders: experiences with a two‐step approach Eur J Neurol, 27 (1): 51-61
  • Rath J, Brunner I, Tomschik M, Zulehner G, Hilger E, Krenn M, Paul A, Cetin H, Zimprich F (2019) Frequency and clinical features of treatment-refractory myasthenia gravis J Neurol, 267 (4): 1004-1011

2018 Original Articles

  • Cetin H, Vincent A (2018) Pathogenic Mechanisms and Clinical Correlations in Autoimmune Myasthenic Syndromes Semin Neurol, 38 (03): 344-354
  • Löscher W, Oberreiter E, Erdler M, Quasthoff S, Culea V, Berek K, Embacher N, Grinzinger S, Hess I, Höger F, Horlings C, Huemer M, Jecel J, Kleindienst W, Laich E, Müller P, Oel D, Örtl W, Lenzenweger E, Rath J, Stadler K, Stieglbauer K, Thaler-Wolf C, Wanschitz J, Zimprich F, Cetin H, Topakian R (2018) Multifocal motor neuropathy in Austria: a nationwide survey of clinical features and response to treatment J Neurol, 265 (12): 2834-2840

2017 Original Articles

  • Salhofer-Polanyi S, Cetin H, Leutmezer F, Baumgartner A, Blechinger S, Dal-Bianco A, Altmann P, Bajer-Kornek B, Rommer P, Guger M, Leitner-Bohn D, Reichardt B, Alasti F, Temsch W, Stamm T (2017) Epidemiology of Multiple Sclerosis in Austria Neuroepidemiol, 49 (1-2): 40-44
  • Rath J, Mauritz M, Zulehner G, Hilger E, Cetin H, Kasprian G, Auff E, Zimprich F (2017) Iodinated contrast agents in patients with myasthenia gravis: a retrospective cohort study J Neurol, 264 (6): 1209-1217

2016 Original Articles

  • Cetin H, Wöhrer A, Rittelmeyer I, Gencik M, Zulehner G, Zimprich F, Ströbel T, Zimprich A (2016) The c.65-2A>G splice site mutation is associated with a mild phenotype in Danon disease due to the transcription of normal LAMP2 mRNA Clin Genet, 90 (4): 366-371

2015 Original Articles

  • Cetin H, Rath J, Füzi J, Reichardt B, Fülöp G, Koppi S, Erdler M, Ransmayr G, Weber J, Neumann K, Hagmann M, Löscher W, Auff E, Zimprich F (2015) Epidemiology of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Effect of Riluzole on Disease Course Neuroepidemiol, 44 (1): 6-15
  • Cetin H, Klickovic U, Rath J, Zulehner G, Füzi J, Reichardt B, Hagmann M, Wanschitz J, Löscher W, Auff E, Zimprich F (2015) Associations between co-medications and survival in ALS—a cohort study from Austria J Neurol, 262 (7): 1698-1705

2013 Original Articles

  • Zach H, Cetin H, Hilger E, Paul A, Wuschitz B, Jung R, Auff E, Zimprich F (2013) The effect of early prednisolone treatment on the generalization rate in ocular myasthenia gravis Eur J Neurol, 20(4): 708-13

2012 Original Articles

  • Cetin H, Fülöp G, Zach H, Auff E, Zimprich F (2012) Epidemiology of myasthenia gravis in Austria: rising prevalence in an ageing society Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift, 124 (21-22): 763-768