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Detailansicht Person

Petra Scholze
Assoc.Prof. Priv.Doz. Mag. Dr. Petra Scholze

Division of Pathobiology of the Nervous System (Center for Brain Research)
Position: Associate Professor

Location: Spitalgasse 4
Phone: +43 1 40160-34092

Research Area

Cysteine Loop Ligand-Gated Ion Channel Receptors, Neuropharmacology

Research Interests

Neuropharmacology, Receptors, GABA-A, Receptors, Nicotinic

Principle Investigator(s)

  • Scholze, Petra (Head)
  • Abstract

    Both GABA-A and nAChRs are of pentameric structure, where 5 out of a set of 19 (GABA-A) or 17 (nAChR) subunits assemble to form different receptors subtypes. The functional properties of these subtypes are primarily determined by their subunit composition, and knowledge of the molecular structure is thus crucial for an understanding of receptor function in health and disease. Different receptor subtypes also display different drug binding sites, and the identification of subtype selective compounds is of great interest for both GABA-A and nACh receptors.


    • Cultivation of primary neurons (of Hippocampus or superior cervical ganglion)
    • Cultivation and Transfection of HEK-293-cells
    • Radioligand binding assays
    • drug induced neurotransmitter release out of synaptosomes, slices and cell cultures
    • molecular biology (cloning of receptor mutants)

    Selected publications

    1. Müller V, Ernst M, Baykuchkarova A, Koniuszewski F, Bampali K, Seidel T, Scholze P (2024) Probes for the heterogeneity of muscimol binding sites in rat brain Front. Pharmacol., 15: 1368527
    2. Görgülü I, Jagannath V, Pons S, Koniuszewski F, Groszer M, Maskos U, Huck S, Scholze P (2024) The human‐specific nicotinic receptor subunit CHRFAM7A reduces α7 receptor function in human induced pluripotent stem cells‐derived and transgenic mouse neurons Eur J Neurosci, 60 (5): 4893-4906
    3. Simeone X, Koniuszewski F, Müllegger M, Smetka A, Steudle F, Puthenkalam R, Ernst M, Scholze P (2021) A Benzodiazepine Ligand with Improved GABAA Receptor α5-Subunit Selectivity Driven by Interactions with Loop C Mol Pharmacol, 99 (1): 39-48
    4. Scholze P, Huck S (2020) The α5 Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor Subunit Differentially Modulates α4β2* and α3β4* Receptors Front.Synaptic Neuroscience, 12: 18:63
    5. Elgarf A, Siebert D, Steudle F, Draxler A, Li G, Huang S, Cook J, Ernst M, Scholze P (2018) Different Benzodiazepines Bind with Distinct Binding Modes to GABAA Receptors ACS Chem Biol, 13 (8): 2033-2039

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