Department of Neurophysiology and Neuropharmacology (Center for Physiology and Pharmacology)
Position: Professor
E-Mail: daniela.pollak@meduniwien.ac.at
Principle Investigator(s)
Interest Group(s)
My laboratory is interested in studying the neurobiological mechanism underlying psychiatric disorder from the systemic to the molecular level in the mouse model. We are generating and analyzing specific models for depressive disorders and addiction using both environmental as well as genetic manipulations and also studying the interaction between the two factors in the pathophysiology of mental illnesses.
We are using fully-automated, state of the art equipment for behavioral analysis of mice, including specific tests for anxiety, depression and addiction. Additionally, members of the lab routinely employ all standard molecular biological and biochemical as well as histological methods.
Selected publications
- Kong E, Sucic S, Monje F, Savalli G, Diao W, Khan D, Ronovsky M, Cabatic M, Koban F, Freissmuth M, Pollak D (2015) STAT3 controls IL6-dependent regulation of serotonin transporter function and depression-like behavior Sci Rep, 5: 9009
- Khan D, Fernando P, Cicvaric A, Berger A, Pollak A, Monje F, Pollak D (2014) Long-term effects of maternal immune activation on depression-like behavior in the mouse Transl Psychiatry, 4 (2): e363
- Monje FJ, Cabatic M, Divisch I, Kim EJ, Herkner KR, Binder BR, Pollak DD (2011) Constant darkness induces IL-6 dependent depression-like behaviour through the NFκB signaling pathway J Neurosci, 31(25): 9075-9083
- Pollak D, Monje F, Lubec G (2010) The learned safety paradigm as a mouse model for neuropsychiatric research Nat Protoc, 5 (5): 954-962
- Pollak D, Monje F, Zuckerman L, Denny C, Drew M, Kandel E (2008) An Animal Model of a Behavioral Intervention for Depression Neuron, 60 (1): 149-161