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Medical NeuroScience Cluster Publications by Klausberger, Thomas, Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr.

2023 Original Articles

  • Forro T, Klausberger T (2023) Differential behavior-related activity of distinct hippocampal interneuron types during odor-associated spatial navigation Neuron, 111: 1-15
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  • Malagon-Vina H, Ciocchi S, Klausberger T (2023) Firing patterns of ventral hippocampal neurons predict the exploration of anxiogenic locations eLife, 12
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  • Hanganu-Opatz I, Klausberger T, Sigurdsson T, Nieder A, Jacob S, Bartos M, Sauer J, Durstewitz D, Leibold C, Diester I (2023) Resolving the prefrontal mechanisms of adaptive cognitive behaviors: A cross-species perspective Neuron, 111 (7): 1020-1036
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2022 Original Articles

  • Forro T, Volitaki E, Malagon-Vina H, Klausberger T, Nevian T, Ciocchi S (2022) Anxiety-related activity of ventral hippocampal interneurons Prog.Neurobiol., 219: 102368
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  • Sakalar E, Klausberger T, Lasztóczi B (2022) Neurogliaform cells dynamically decouple neuronal synchrony between brain areas Science, 377 (6603): 324-328
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2020 Original Articles

  • Anner P, Passecker J, Klausberger T, Dorffner G (2020) Ca2+ imaging of neurons in freely moving rats with automatic post hoc histological identification J. Neurosci. Methods, 341: 108765
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  • Katona L, Hartwich K, Tomioka R, Somogyi J, Roberts J, Wagner K, Joshi A, Klausberger T, Rockland K, Somogyi P (2020) Synaptic organisation and behaviour-dependent activity of mGluR8a-innervated GABAergic trilaminar cells projecting from the hippocampus to the subiculum Brain Struct Funct, 225 (2): 705-734
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  • Ozdemir AT, Lagler M, Lagoun S, Malagon-Vina H, Lasztóczi B, Klausberger T (2020) Unexpected Rule-Changes in a Working Memory Task Shape the Firing of Histologically Identified Delay-Tuned Neurons in the Prefrontal Cortex Cell Rep, 30 (5): 1613-1626.e4
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2019 Original Articles

  • Biró S, Lasztóczi B, Klausberger T (2019) A Visual Two-Choice Rule-Switch Task for Head-Fixed Mice Front Behav Neurosci, 13: 119
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  • Passecker J, Mikus N, Malagon-Vina H, Anner P, Dimidschstein J, Fishell G, Dorffner G, Klausberger T (2019) Activity of Prefrontal Neurons Predict Future Choices during Gambling Neuron, 101 (1): 152-164.e7
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2018 Original Articles

  • Unal G, Crump M, Viney T, Éltes T, Katona L, Klausberger T, Somogyi P (2018) Spatio-temporal specialization of GABAergic septo-hippocampal neurons for rhythmic network activity Brain Struct Funct, 223 (5): 2409-2432
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  • Valenti O, Mikus N, Klausberger T (2018) The cognitive nuances of surprising events: exposure to unexpected stimuli elicits firing variations in neurons of the dorsal CA1 hippocampus Brain Struct Funct, 223 (7): 3183-3211
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  • Kőszeghy Á, Lasztóczi B, Forro T, Klausberger T (2018) Spike-Timing of Orbitofrontal Neurons Is Synchronized With Breathing Front Cell Neurosci, 12: 105
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  • Malagon-Vina H, Ciocchi S, Passecker J, Dorffner G, Klausberger T (2018) Fluid network dynamics in the prefrontal cortex during multiple strategy switching Nat Commun, 9 (1): 309
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2017 Original Articles

  • Katona L, Micklem B, Borhegyi Z, Swiejkowski D, Valenti O, Viney T, Kotzadimitriou D, Klausberger T, Somogyi P (2017) Behavior-dependent activity patterns of GABAergic long-range projecting neurons in the rat hippocampus Hippocampus, 27 (4): 359-377
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  • Lasztóczi B, Klausberger T (2017) Distinct gamma oscillations in the distal dendritic fields of the dentate gyrus and the CA1 area of mouse hippocampus Brain Struct Funct, 222 (7): 3355-3365
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2016 Original Articles

  • Lagler M, Ozdemir A, Lagoun S, Malagon-Vina H, Borhegyi Z, Hauer R, Jelem A, Klausberger T (2016) Divisions of Identified Parvalbumin-Expressing Basket Cells during Working Memory-Guided Decision Making Neuron, 91 (6): 1390-1401
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  • Lasztóczi B, Klausberger T (2016) Hippocampal Place Cells Couple to Three Different Gamma Oscillations during Place Field Traversal Neuron, 91 (1): 34-40
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2015 Original Articles

  • Forro T, Valenti O, Lasztoczi B, Klausberger T (2015) Temporal Organization of GABAergic Interneurons in the Intermediate CA1 Hippocampus During Network Oscillations Cereb. Cortex, 25 (5): 1228-1240
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  • Ciocchi S, Passecker J, Malagon-Vina H, Mikus N, Klausberger T (2015) Selective information routing by ventral hippocampal CA1 projection neurons Science, 348 (6234): 560-563
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2014 Original Articles

  • Arszovszki A, Borhegyi Z, Klausberger T (2014) Three axonal projection routes of individual pyramidal cells in the ventral CA1 hippocampus Front Neuroanat, 8
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  • Katona L, Lapray D, Viney T, Oulhaj A, Borhegyi Z, Micklem B, Klausberger T, Somogyi P. (2014) Sleep and Movement Differentiates Actions of Two Types of Somatostatin-Expressing GABAergic Interneuron in Rat Hippocampus Neuron, 82 (4): 872-886
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  • Lasztoczi B, Klausberger T. (2014) Layer-Specific GABAergic Control of Distinct Gamma Oscillations in the CA1 Hippocampus. Neuron, 81: 1126-1139
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  • Somogyi P, Katona L, Klausberger T, Lasztoczi B, Viney TJ. (2014) Temporal redistribution of inhibition over neuronal subcellular domains underlies state-dependent rhythmic change of excitability in the hippocampus. Phil. Trans. R. Soc., 369: 20120518

2013 Original Articles

  • Viney TJ, Lasztoczi B, Katona L, Crump MG, Tukker JJ, Klausberger T, Somogyi P. (2013) Network state-dependent inhibition of identified hippocampal CA3 axo-axonic cells in vivo. Nature Neurosci, 16: 1802-11
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  • Tukker JJ, Lasztóczi B, Katona L, Roberts JD, Pissadaki EK, Dalezios Y, Márton L, Zhang L, Klausberger T, Somogyi P. (2013) Distinct dendritic arborization and in vivo firing patterns of parvalbumin-expressing basket cells in the hippocampal area CA3. J Neurosci, 33 (16): 6809-25
  • Milenkovic I, Vasiljevic M, Maurer D, Höger H, Klausberger T, Sieghart W. (2013) The parvalbumin-positive interneurons in the mouse dentate gyrus express GABAA receptor subunits alpha1, beta2, and delta along their extrasynaptic cell membrane. Neuroscience, 254: 80-96
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2012 Original Articles

  • Massi L, Lagler M, Hartwich K, Borhegyi Z, Somogyi P, Klausberger T, (2012) Temporal Dynamics of Parvalbumin-Expressing Axo-axonic and Basket Cells in the Rat Medial Prefrontal Cortex In Vivo. J Neurosci, 32: 16496-16502
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  • Lapray D, Lasztoczi B, Lagler M, Viney TJ, Katona L, Valenti O, Hartwich K, Borhegyi Z, Somogyi P, Klausberger T, (2012) Behavior-dependent specialization of identified hippocampal interneurons. Nature Neurosci, 15: 1265-71
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  • Takács VT, Klausberger T, Somogyi P, Freund TF, Gulyás AI, (2012) Extrinsic and local glutamatergic inputs of the rat hippocampal CA1 area differentially innervate pyramidal cells and interneurons. Hippocampus, 22: 1379-91
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2011 Original Articles

  • Lasztoczi B, Tukker JJ, Somogyi P, Klausberger T, (2011) Terminal Field and Firing Selectivity of Cholecystokinin-Expressing Interneurons in the Hippocampal CA3 Area. J Neurosci, 31: 18073-93
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2010 Original Articles

  • Fuentealba P, Klausberger T, Karayannis T, Suen W Y, Huck J, Tomioka R, Rockland K, Capogna M, Studer M, Morales M, Somogyi P, (2010) Expression of COUP-TFII Nuclear Receptor in Restricted GABAergic Neuronal Populations in the Adult Rat Hippocampus. J Neurosci, 30: 1595-1609

2009 Original Articles

  • Hartwich K, Pollak T, Klausberger T, (2009) Distinct firing patterns of identified basket and dendrite-targeting interneurons in the prefrontal cortex during hippocampal theta and local spindle oscillations. J Neurosci, 29: 9563-9574

2009 Reviews

  • Klausberger T, (2009) GABAergic interneurons targeting dendrites of pyramidal cells in the CA1 area of the hippocampus. Eur J Neurosci, 30: 947-957

2008 Original Articles

  • Fuentealba P, Tomioka R, Dalezios Y, Marton L, Studer M, Rockland K, Klausberger T, Somogyi P, (2008) Rhythmically active enkephalin-expressing GABAergic cells in the CA1 area of the hippocampus project to the subiculum and preferentially innervate interneurons. J Neurosci, 28: 10017-10022
  • Fuentealba P, Begum R, Capogna M, Jinno S, Márton L F, Csicsvari J, Thomson A, Somogyi P, Klausberger T, (2008) Ivy cells: a population of nitric-oxide-producing, slow-spiking GABAergic neurons and their involvement in hippocampal network activity. Neuron, 57: 917-929

2008 Reviews

  • Klausberger T, Somogyi P, (2008) Neuronal diversity and temporal dynamics: the unity of hippocampal circuit operations. Science, 321: 53-57

2007 Original Articles

  • Tukker J, Fuentealba P, Hartwich K, Somogyi P, Klausberger T, (2007) Cell type-specific tuning of hippocampal interneuron firing during gamma oscillations in vivo. J Neurosci, 27: 8184-8189
  • Jinno S, Klausberger T, Marton L F, Dalezios Y, Roberts J D B, Fuentealba P, Bushong E A, Henze D, Buzsáki G, Somogyi P, (2007) Neuronal diversity in GABAergic Long-range Projections from the Hippocampus. J Neurosci, 27: 8790-8804
  • Baude A, Bleasdale C, Dalezios Y, Somogyi P, Klausberger T, (2007) Immunoreactivity for the GABA-A receptor alpha 1 subunit, somatostatin and connexin36 distinguishes axo-axonic, basket and bistratified interneurons of the rat hippocampus. Cereb. Cortex, 17: 2094-2107

2005 Original Articles

  • Ferraguti F, Klausberger T, Cobden P, Baude A, Roberts J D B, Szucs P, Kinoshita A, Shigemoto R, Somogyi P, Dalezios Y, (2005) Metabotropic glutamate receptor 8-expressing nerve terminals target subsets of GABAergic neurons in the hippocampus. J Neurosci, 25: 10520-10536
  • Klausberger T, Marton L F, O’Neill J, Huck J H J, Dalezios Y, Fuentealba P, Suen W Y, Papp E, Kaneko T, Watanabe M, Csicsvari J, Somogyi P, (2005) Complementary roles of cholecystokinin and parvalbumin expressing GABAergic neurons in hippocampal network oscillations. J Neurosci, 25: 9782-9793

2005 Reviews

  • Somogyi P, Klausberger T, (2005) Defined types of cortical interneuron structure space and spike timing in the hippocampus. J Physiol, 562: 9-26

2004 Original Articles

  • Klausberger T, Márton L F, Baude A, Roberts J.D.B, Magill P J, Somogyi P, (2004) Spike timing of dendrite-targeting bistratified cells during hippocampal network oscillations in vivo. Nature Neurosci, 7: 41-47

2003 Original Articles

  • Klausberger T, Magill P J, Márton L F, Roberts J.D.B, Cobden P M, Buzsáki G, Somogyi P, (2003) Brain state- and cell type-specific firing of hippocampal interneurons in vivo. Nature, 421: 844-848

2002 Original Articles

  • Ehya N, Sarto I, Wabnegger L, Klausberger T, Sieghart W (2002) Identification of an amino acid sequence within GABAA receptor β3 subunits that is important for receptor assembly J Neurochem, 84 (1): 127-135
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  • Wisden W, Cope D, Klausberger T, Hauer B, Sinkkonen S T, Tretter V, Lujan R, Jones A, Korpi E R, Mody I, Sieghart W, Somogyi P, (2002) Ectopic expression of the GABA-A receptor alpha 6 subunit in hippocampal pyramidal neurons produces extrasynaptic receptors and an increased tonic inhibition. Neuropharmacology, 43: 530-549
  • Klausberger T, Roberts J.D.B, Somogyi P, (2002) Cell type and input specific differences in the number and subtypes of synaptic GABA-A receptors in the hippocampus. J Neurosci, 22: 2513-2521
  • Sarto I, Klausberger T, Ehya N, Mayer B, Fuchs K, Sieghart W (2002) A novel site on gamma3 subunits important for assembly of GABA-A receptors J Biol Chem, 277: 30656-30664

2001 Original Articles

  • Klausberger T, Ehya N, Fuchs K, Fuchs T, Ebert V, Sarto I, Sieghart W (2001) Detection and binding properties of GABA-A receptor assembly intermediates J Biol Chem, 276: 16024-16032
  • Klausberger T, Sarto I, Ehya N, Fuchs K, Furtmüller R, Mayer B, Huck S, Sieghart W (2001) Alternate use of distinct intersubunit contacts controls GABA-A receptor assembly and stoichiometry J Neurosci, 21: 9124-9133

2000 Original Articles

  • Klausberger T, Fuchs K, Mayer B, Ehya N, Sieghart W (2000) GABA-A receptor assembly: Identification and structure of gamma2 sequences forming the intersubunit contacts with alpha1 and beta3 subunits J Biol Chem, 275: 8921-8928

1998 Original Articles

  • Jechlinger M, Pelz R, Tretter V, Klausberger T, Sieghart W, (1998) Subunit composition and quantitative importance of heterooligomeric receptors: GABA-A receptors containing alpha 6 subunits. J Neurosci, 18: 2449-2457