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Medical NeuroScience Cluster Publications by Böhm, Stefan, Univ.Prof.Dr.

2021 Original Articles

  • Valenti O, Zambon A, Boehm S (2021) Orchestration of Dopamine Neuron Population Activity in the Ventral Tegmental Area by Caffeine: Comparison With Amphetamine Int J Neuropsychopharmacol, 24 (10): 832-841

2020 Original Articles

  • Reisinger S, Bilban M, Stojanovic T, Derdak S, Yang J, Cicvaric A, Horvath O, Sideromenos S, Zambon A, Monje F, Boehm S, Pollak D (2020) Lmo3 deficiency in the mouse is associated with alterations in mood-related behaviors and a depression-biased amygdala transcriptome Psychoneuroendocrinology, 111: 104480

2017 Original Articles

  • Erdem F, Salzer I, Heo S, Chen W, Jung G, Lubec G, Boehm S, Yang J (2017) Updating In Vivo and In Vitro Phosphorylation and Methylation Sites of Voltage-Gated Kv7.2 Potassium Channels Proteomics, 17 (19): 1700015

2014 Original Articles

  • Sandtner W, Schmid D, Schicker K, Gerstbrein K, Koenig X, Mayer F, Boehm S, Freissmuth M, Sitte H (2014) A quantitative model of amphetamine action on the 5-HT transporter Br J Pharmacol, 171 (4): 1007-1018
  • Salzer I, Gafar H, Gindl V, Mahlknecht P, Drobny H, Boehm S. (2014) Excitation of rat sympathetic neurons via M1 muscarinic receptors independently of K v7 channels ,
  • Koppensteiner P, Aizawa S, Yamada D, Kabuta T, Boehm S, Wada K, Sekiguchi M (2014) Age-dependent sensitivity to glucocorticoids in the developing mouse basolateral nucleus of the amygdala Psychoneuroendocrinology, 46: 64-77
  • Hasreiter J, Goldnagl L, Boehm S, Kubista H (2014) Cav1.2 and Cav1.3 L-type calcium channels operate in a similar voltage range but show different coupling to Ca2+ dependent conductances in hippocampal neurons Am J Physiol Cell Physiol, : 306(12):C1200-13;

2013 Original Articles

  • Rubi L, Schandl U, Lagler M, Geier P, Spies D, Gupta K, Boehm S, Kubista H (2013) Raised Activity of L-Type Calcium Channels Renders Neurons Prone to Form Paroxysmal Depolarization Shifts Neuromolecular Med., 15 (3): 476-492
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  • Thurner P, Stary-Weinzinger A, Gafar H, Gawali V, Kudlacek O, Zezula J, Hilber K, Boehm S, Sandtner W, Koenig X (2013) Mechanism of hERG Channel Block by the Psychoactive Indole Alkaloid Ibogaine J Pharmacol Exp Ther, 348 (2): 346-358
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  • Buchmayer F, Schicker K, Steinkellner T, Geier P, Stubiger G, Hamilton P, Jurik A, Stockner T, Yang J, Montgomery T, Holy M, Hofmaier T, Kudlacek O, Matthies H, Ecker G, Bochkov V, Galli A, Boehm S, Sitte H (2013) Amphetamine actions at the serotonin transporter rely on the availability of phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate PNAS, 110 (28): 11642-11647

2012 Original Articles

  • Koenig X, Kovar M, Boehm S, Sandtner W, Hilber K (2012) Anti-addiction drug ibogaine inhibits hERG channels: a cardiac arrhythmia risk Addict Biol, 19 (2): 237-239
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2011 Original Articles

  • Geier P, Lagler M, Boehm S, Kubista H (2011) Dynamic interplay of excitatory and inhibitory coupling modes of neuronal L-type calcium channels Am J Physiol Cell Physiol, 300 (4): C937-C949
  • Yousuf A, Klinger F, Schicker K, Boehm S (2011) Nucleotides control the excitability of sensory neurons via two P2Y receptors and a bifurcated signaling cascade Pain, 152 (8): 1899-1908

2007 Reviews

  • Kubista H, Mafra RA, Chong Y, Nicholson GM, Beirão PS, Cruz JS, Boehm S, Nentwig W, Kuhn-Nentwig L. (2007) CSTX-1, a toxin from the venom of the hunting spider Cupiennius salei, is a selective blocker of L-type calcium channels in mammalian neurons Neuropharmacology, 52: 1650-1662

2004 Original Articles

  • Kubista H, Edelbauer H, Boehm S. (2004) Evidence for structural and functional diversity among SDS-resistant SNARE complexes in neuroendocrine cells J Cell Sci., 117: 955-966

1999 Original Articles

  • Boehm S. (1999) ATP stimulates sympathetic transmitter release via presynaptic P2X purinoceptors J Neurosci, 19: 737-746
  • O'Connor V, El Far O, Bofill-Cardona E, Nanoff C, Freissmuth M, Karschin A, Airas JM, Betz H, Boehm S. (1999) Calmodulin dependence of presynaptic metabotropic glutamate receptor signaling Science, 286: 1180-1184