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Medical NeuroScience Cluster Publications by Willinger, Ulrike
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2021 Original Articles
- Langer A, Hasenauer S, Flotz A, Gassner L, Pokan R, Dabnichki P, Wizany L, Gruber J, Roth D, Zimmel S, Treven M, Schmoeger M, Willinger U, Maetzler W, Zach H (2021) A randomised controlled trial on effectiveness and feasibility of sport climbing in Parkinson’s disease npj Parkinson's Disease, 7 (1)
- Platho-Elwischger K, Schmoeger M, Willinger U, Abdel-Aziz C, Algner J, Pretscherer S, Auff E, Kranz G, Turnbull O, Sycha T (2021) Cognitive performance after facial botulinum toxin treatment in a cohort of neurological patients – an exploratory study Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation,
2020 Original Articles
- Tesar B, Deckert M, Schmoeger M, Willinger U (2020) Electrophysiological Correlates of Basic and Higher Order Cognitive and Affective Theory of Mind Processing in Emerging and Early Adulthood—An Explorative Event-Related Potentials Study to Investigate First-, Second-, and Third-Order Theory of Mind Processing Based on Visual Cues Front Hum Neurosci, 14
- Schmoeger M, Deckert M, Loos E, Willinger U (2020) How influenceable is our metamemory for pictorial material? The impact of framing and emotionality on metamemory judgments Cognition, 195: 104112
2019 Original Articles
- Gabriel E, Oberger R, Schmoeger M, Deckert M, Vockh S, Auff E, Willinger U (2019) Cognitive and affective Theory of Mind in adolescence: developmental aspects and associated neuropsychological variables Psychological Research, 85 (2): 533-553
- Deckert M, Schmoeger M, Auff E, Willinger U (2019) Subjective emotional arousal: an explorative study on the role of gender, age, intensity, emotion regulation difficulties, depression and anxiety symptoms, and meta-emotion Psychological Research,
2018 Original Articles
- Deckert M, Schmoeger M, Schaunig-Busch I, Willinger U (2018) Metaphor processing in middle childhood and at the transition to early adolescence: the role of chronological age, mental age, and verbal intelligence Journal of Child Language, 46 (2): 334-367
- Schmoeger M, Deckert M, Wagner P, Sirsch U, Willinger U (2018) Maternal bonding behavior, adult intimate relationship, and quality of life Neuropsychiatr, 32 (1): 26-32
2017 Original Articles
- Willinger U, Schmoeger M, Deckert M, Eisenwort B, Loader B, Hofmair A, Auff E (2017) Screening for Specific Language Impairment in Preschool Children: Evaluating a Screening Procedure Including the Token Test JPR, 46 (5): 1237-1247
- Willinger U, Deckert M, Schmöger M, Schaunig-Busch I, Formann A, Auff E (2017) Developmental Steps in Metaphorical Language Abilities: The Influence of Age, Gender, Cognitive Flexibility, Information Processing Speed, and Analogical Reasoning Language and Speech, 62 (2): 207-228
- Willinger U, Hergovich A, Schmoeger M, Deckert M, Stoettner S, Bunda I, Witting A, Seidler M, Moser R, Kacena S, Jaeckle D, Loader B, Mueller C, Auff E (2017) Cognitive and emotional demands of black humour processing: the role of intelligence, aggressiveness and mood Cognitive Processing, 18 (2): 159-167
2011 Original Articles
- Willinger U, Schaunig I., Jantscher J., Schmoeger, M., Loader B., Kummer C., Peer E. (2011) Mothers´estimates of their preschool children and parenting stress Psychological Test and Assessment Modeling, 53: 228-240
2009 Original Articles
- Sirsch U, Dreher E, Mayr E, Willinger U (2009) What Does It Take to Be an Adult in Austria? Journal of Adolescent Research, 24 (3): 275-292
2008 Original Articles
- Heinrich M, Berzlanovich A, Willinger U, Eisenwort B (2008) Zur Messung der kognitiven Einengung in Abschiedsbriefen Neuropsychiatr, 22: 252-260
- Loader B, Stokic D, Riedl M, Hickmann S, Katzinger M, Willinger U, Luger A, Thurner S, Wick N (2008) Combined Analysis of Audiologic Performance and the Plasma Biomarker Stromal Cell-Derived Factor 1a in Type 2 Diabetic Patients Otol Neurotol, 29 (6): 739-744
2007 Original Articles
- Eisenwort B, Heinrich M, Schuster A, Willinger U, Berzlanovich A (2007) Suizide im Alter Rechtsmedizin, 17 (6): 359-362
- Eisenwort B, Berzlanovich A, Heinrich M, Schuster A, Chocholous P, Lindorfer S, Eisenwort G, Willinger U, Sonneck G (2007) Suizidologie: Abschiedsbriefe und ihre Themen Nervenarzt, 78 (6): 672-678
2006 Original Articles
- Eisenwort B, Berzlanovich A, Willinger U, Eisenwort G, Lindorfer S, Sonneck G (2006) Abschiedsbriefe und ihre Bedeutung innerhalb der Suizidologie Nervenarzt, 77 (11): 1355-1362
- Völkl-Kernstock S, Willinger U, Feucht M (2006) Spacial perception and spatial memory in children with benign childhood epilepsy with centro-temporal spikes (BCECTS) Epilepsy Res, 72 (1): 39-48
2005 Original Articles
- Holzer G, Noske H, Lang T, Holzer L, Willinger U (2005) Soluble cathepsin K: A novel marker for the prediction of nontraumatic fractures? Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine, 146 (1): 13-17
- Hergovich A, Willinger U, Arendasy M (2005) Paranormal Belief, Schizotypy, and Body Mass Index Perceptual and Motor Skills, 100 (3): 883-891
- Willinger U, Eisenwort B (2005) Mothers' Estimates of Their Children With Disorders of Language Development Behavioral Medicine, 31 (3): 117-126
- Willinger U, Diendorfer-Radner G, Willnauer R, Jörgl G, Hager V (2005) Parenting Stress and Parental Bonding Behavioral Medicine, 31 (2): 63-72
- Willinger U, Aschauer H (2005) Personality, anxiety and functional dysphonia Personality and Individual Differences, 39 (8): 1441-1449
- Willinger U, Völkl-Kernstock S, Aschauer H (2005) Marked depression and anxiety in patients with functional dysphonia Psychiat Res, 134 (1): 85-91
- Naderi-Heiden A, Frey R, Presslich O, Frottier P, Willinger U, Blasbichler T, Smetana R, Schmid D, Kasper S (2005) Effect of intravenous magnesium sulphate in reducing irritability and restlessness in pure and polysubstance opiate detoxification Psychiat Res, 135 (1): 53-63
2004 Original Articles
- Schosser A, Fuchs K, Leisch F, Bailer U, Meszaros K, Lenzinger E, Willinger U, Strobl R, Heiden A, Gebhardt C, Kasper S, Sieghart W, Hornik K, Aschauer H (2004) Possible linkage of schizophrenia and bipolar affective disorder to chromosome 3q29 J Psychiatr Res, 38 (3): 357-364
- Eisenwort B, Marschik P, Fladerer A, Motl S, Wedl J, Eisenwort G, Willinger U, Vollmann R (2004) Zur kindlichen Sprachentwicklungsstörung: Verständlichkeit bei der Expressiven Sprachstörung Klinische Pädiatrie, 216 (4): 225-229
- Lang T, Willinger U, Holzer G (2004) Soluble cathepsin-L: A marker of bone resorption and bone density? Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine, 144 (3): 163-166
- Schaunig I., Willinger U., Diendorfer-Radner G., Hager V., Jörgl G., Sirsch U., Sams J. (2004) Stresserleben von Müttern sprachentwicklungsgestörter Kinder Praxis der Kinderpsychologie und Kinderpsychiatrie, 6: 395-405
- Schaunig I, Willinger U, Formann A (2004) Das Verständnis metaphorischer Sprache bei Grundschulkindern Zeitschrift für Pädagogische Psychologie, 18 (1): 53-61
2003 Original Articles
- Willinger U, Brunner E, Diendorfer-Radner G, Sams J, Sirsch U, Eisenwort B (2003) Behaviour in Children with Language Development Disorders Can J Psychiatry, 48 (9): 607-614
2002 Original Articles
- Eisenwort B, Vollmann R, Willinger U, Holzinger D (2002) Zur Schriftsprachkompetenz erwachsener Gehörloser Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica, 54 (5): 258-268
- Radner W, Obermayer W, Richter-Mueksch S, Willinger U, Velikay-Parel M, Eisenwort B (2002) The validity and reliability of short German sentences for measuring reading speed Graefe's Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology, 240 (6): 461-467
- Willinger U, Lenzinger E, Hornik K, Fischer G, Schönbeck G, Aschauer Hn, Meszaros K (2002) Anxiety as a predictor of relapse in detoxified alcohol dependents Alcohol Alcohol., 37 (6): 609-612
- Willinger U, Heiden A, Meszaros K, Formann A, Aschauer H (2002) Maternal Bonding Behaviour in Schizophrenia and Schizoaffective Disorder, Considering Premorbid Personality Traits Aust N Z J Psychiatry, 36 (5): 663-668
- Bailer U, Leisch F, Meszaros K, Lenzinger E, Willinger U, Strobl R, Heiden A, Gebhardt C, Döge E, Fuchs K, Sieghart W, Kasper S, Hornik K, Aschauer H (2002) Genome scan for susceptibility loci for schizophrenia and bipolar disorder Biol Psychiatry, 52 (1): 40-52
2001 Original Articles
- Willinger U, Heiden A, Meszaros K, Formann A, Aschauer H (2001) Neurodevelopmental Schizophrenia: Obstetric Complications, Birth Weight, Premorbid Social Withdrawal and Learning Disabilities Neuropsychobiology, 43 (3): 163-169
- Stamenkovic M, Schindler S, Asenbaum S, Neumeister A, Willeit M, Willinger U, de Zwaan M, Riederer F, Aschauer H, Kasper S (2001) No change in striatal dopamine re-uptake site density in psychotropic drug naive and in currently treated Tourette’s disorder patients: a [123I]-β-CIT SPECT-study Eur Neuropsychopharmacol, 11 (1): 69-74
2000 Original Articles
- Bailer U, Leisch F, Meszaros K, Lenzinger E, Willinger U, Strobl R, Gebhardt C, Gerhard E, Fuchs K, Sieghart W, Kasper S, Hornik K, Aschauer H (2000) Genome Scan for Susceptibility Loci for Schizophrenia Neuropsychobiology, 42 (4): 175-182
- Meszaros K, Lenzinger E, Hornik K, Füreder T, Stompe T, Willinger U, Heiden A, Fathi N, Gerhard E, Fuchs K, Sieghart W, Kasper S, Aschauer H (2000) Association study of schizophrenia spectrum disorders and dopamine D3 receptor gene: is schizoaffective disorder special? Psychiat Res, 96 (2): 179-183
- Stamenkovic M, Schindler S, Aschauer H, de Zwaan M, Willinger U, Resinger E, Kasper S (2000) Effective open-label treatment of Touretteʼs disorder with olanzapine Int Clin Psychopharmacol, 15 (1): 23-28
1999 Original Articles
- Willinger U, Eisenwort B (1999) Verbale und nonverbale Intelligenz bei sprachentwickungsgestörten Kindern Klinische Pädiatrie, 211 (06): 445-449
- Eisenwort B, Willinger U, Schattauer A, Willnauer R (1999) Zur kindlichen Sprachentwicklungsstörung: Nonverbale Intelligenz und Sprachverständnis Klinische Pädiatrie, 211 (06): 442-444
- Meszaros K, Lenzinger E, Hornik K, Fureder T, Willinger U, Fischer G, Schonbeck G, Aschauer H, (1999) The Tridimensional Personality Questionnaire as a Predictor of Relapse in Detoxified Alcohol Dependents Alcoholism Clin Exp Res, 23 (3): 483-486
- Heiden A, Willinger U, Scharfetter J, Meszaros K, Kasper S, Aschauer H (1999) Anticipation in schizophrenia Schizophr Res, 35 (1): 25-32
- Geddes J, Verdoux H, Takei N, Lawrie S, Bovet P, Eagles J, Heun R, McCreadie R, McNeil T, O'Callaghan E, Stober G, Willinger U, Murray R (1999) Schizophrenia and Complications of Pregnancy and Labor: An Individual Patient Data Meta-analysis Schizophr Bull, 25 (3): 413-423
1998 Original Articles
- Radner W, Willinger U, Obermayer W, Mudrich C, Velikay-Parel M, Eisenwort B (1998) Eine neue Lesetafel* zur gleichzeitigen Bestimmung von Lesevisus und Lesegeschwindigkeit Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde, 213 (09): 174-181
- Stompe T, Willinger U, Fischer G, Meszaros K, Berger P, Strobl R, Berger K, Isenberg E, Todd R, Cloninger C, Reich T, Aschauer H (1998) The Unified Biosocial Model of Personality in Schizophrenia Families and Controls Psychopathology, 31 (1): 45-51
1997 Original Articles
- Verdoux, H., Geddes, J.R., Takei, N., Lawrie, S.M., Bovet, P., Eagles, J.M., Heun, R., Kendell, R.E., Mccreadie, R.G., Mcneil, T.F., O´Callaghan, E., Stöber, G., Willinger, U., Murray, R.M (1997) Obstetric complications and age at onset in schizophrenia: an international collaborative meta-analysis of individual patient data Am J Psychiatry, 154 (9): 1220-1227
- Eisenwort B, Willinger U, Völkl-Kernstock S, Hurch B (1997) Zur ICD-10-Diagnostik von umschriebenen Entwicklungsstörungen des Sprechens und der Sprache HNO, 45 (8): 638-642
- Parsian A, Suarez B, Isenberg K, Hampe C, Fisher L, Chakraverty S, Meszaros K, Lenzinger E, Willinger U, Fuchs K, Aschauer H, Cloninger C (1997) No evidence for a schizophrenia susceptibility gene in the vicinity of IL2RB on chromosome 22 Am J Med Genet, 74 (4): 361-364
1996 Original Articles
- Meszaros K, Lenzinger E, Füreder T, Hornik K, Willinger U, Isenberg K, Todd R, Cloninger C, Reich T, Fuchs K, Sieghart W, Aschauer H (1996) The influence of phenotype on the outcome of linkage analysis of schizophrenia Schizophr Res, 22 (1): 89-90
- Meszaros K, Lenzinger E, Füreder T, Hornik K, Willinger U, Stompe T, Heiden A, Resinger E, Fathi N, Gerhard E, Fuchs K, Miller-Reiter E, Pfersmann V, Sieghart W, Aschauer H, Kasper S (1996) Schizophrenia and the dopamine-β-hydroxylase gene Psychiat Gen, 6 (1): 17-22
- Meszaros K, Willinger U, Fischer G, Schönbeck G, Aschauer H (1996) The tridimensional personality model: Influencing variables in a sample of detoxified alcohol dependents Compr Psychiatry, 37 (2): 109-114
1994 Original Articles
- Meszaros, K., Willinger, U., Heiden, A.M., Fuchs, K., Baumhackl, U., Brücke, T., Feucht, M., Fathi, N., Lenzinger, E., Miller, E., Resinger, E., Wöber-Bingöl, C., Stompe, T., Sieghart, W., Aschauer, H.N (1994) Chorea Huntington: Die (CAG)n-Sequenz am Gen IT15 in Österreich Wien Klin Wochenschr Educ , 106: 671-672
- Aschauer H, Meszaros K, Willinger U, Reiter E, Heiden A, Lenzinger E, Beran H, Resinger E (1994) The Season of Birth of Schizophrenics and Schizoaffectives Psychopathology, 27 (6): 298-302
- Aschauer H, Meszaros K, Willinger U, Fischer G, Strobl R, Beran H, Lenzinger E, Reiter E, Heiden A (1994) Non-concordance by gender for schizophrenia and related disorders in sibships Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci, 244 (1): 12-16
1993 Original Articles
- Aschauer H, Fischer G, Isenberg K, Meszaros K, Willinger U, Todd R, Beran H, Strobl R, Lang M, Fuchs K, Sieghart W, Reich T, Cloninger C (1993) No proof of linkage between schizophrenia-related disorders including schizophrenia and chromosome 2q21 region Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci, 243 (3-4): 193-198