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Research Area: Neuroimaging
Head: Lanzenberger, Rupert, Univ.-Prof. Priv.-Doz.


The Interest Group "Neuroimaging" is a platform for research cooperation, exchange of support, knowledge sharing, development and application of sophisticated analysis methods. It is devoted to all areas of neuroimaging, ranging from molecular imaging with positron emission tomography (PET), structural, functional and molecular neuroimaging with magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI, sMRI, DWI, MRS), electrophysiology (EEG), LASER-based approaches and light microscopy techniques, etc. Major goals & objectives are: 1) To foster the cooperation between different departments, institutes and laboratories within the university and national/international partners; 2) To strengthen the cooperative spirit in the field between preclinical and clinical partners; 3) To enhance the provision of translational approaches, e.g. between human imaging scanners and preclinical imaging approaches including different species; 4) To support the development and application of data analysis methods and storing in neuroimaging; 5) To encourage learning within and beyond traditional modes of teaching.

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