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Adameyko, Igor

Department: Division of Neuroimmunology
Head: Adameyko, Igor, Univ.Prof., PhD

Research Area

Peripheral Innervation


The projects of my research group currently focus on the role of immune cells in neuro-glial tumor development. For example, the interactions between tumor and its microenvironment are often critical to uncovering the mechanisms of tumor survival. A striking example is the recent success of immunotherapy approaches that expose tumor cells to immune attack by disrupting a specific interaction between the tumor and infiltrating lymphocytes.  The tumor can also repress immune response by inducing complex interactions among dozens of immune and stromal cell types that typically make up tumor microenvironment, however those remain largely uncharacterized as we currently lack systematic approaches to uncover relevant cell-cell interactions. The alternative to killing tumor cells, either directly or through immune system, is to force them to differentiate. Such strategy is particularly promising for tumors arising due to failure of progenitor populations to follow proper differentiation cascade. Here as well, the progress has been limited by lack of understanding of specific intercellular signals that that are disrupted in tumorigenesis.

Selected Publications of Principle Investigator

  1. Kameneva P, Artemov A, Kastriti M, Faure L, Olsen T, Otte J, Erickson A, Semsch B, Andersson E, Ratz M, Frisén J, Tischler A, de Krijger R, Bouderlique T, Akkuratova N, Vorontsova M, Gusev O, Fried K, Sundström E, Mei S, Kogner P, Baryawno N, Kharchenko P, Adameyko I (2021) Single-cell transcriptomics of human embryos identifies multiple sympathoblast lineages with potential implications for neuroblastoma origin Nature Genetics, : 53(5)
  2. Soldatov R, Kaucka M, Kastriti M, Petersen J, Chontorotzea T, Englmaier L, Akkuratova N, Yang Y, Häring M, Dyachuk V, Bock C, Farlik M, Piacentino M, Boismoreau F, Hilscher M, Yokota C, Qian X, Nilsson M, Bronner M, Croci L, Hsiao W, Guertin D, Brunet J, Consalez G, Ernfors P, Fried K, Kharchenko P, Adameyko I (2019) Spatiotemporal structure of cell fate decisions in murine neural crest Science, 364 (6444): eaas9536
  3. Furlan A, Dyachuk V, Kastriti M, Calvo-Enrique L, Abdo H, Hadjab S, Chontorotzea T, Akkuratova N, Usoskin D, Kamenev D, Petersen J, Sunadome K, Memic F, Marklund U, Fried K, Topilko P, Lallemend F, Kharchenko P, Ernfors P, Adameyko I (2017) Multipotent peripheral glial cells generate neuroendocrine cells of the adrenal medulla Science, 357 (6346): eaal3753
  4. Dyachuk V, Furlan A, Shahidi M, Giovenco M, Kaukua N, Konstantinidou C, Pachnis V, Memic F, Marklund U, Muller T, Birchmeier C, Fried K, Ernfors P, Adameyko I (2014) Parasympathetic neurons originate from nerve-associated peripheral glial progenitors Science, 345 (6192): 82-87