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Hoeftberger, Romana

Department: Division of Neuropathology and Neurochemistry
Head: Höftberger, Romana, Assoc.Prof.Priv.-Doz.Dr.


My research is at the intersection of neuropathology and neurobiology with the main focus on the characterization of autoimmune diseases targeting CNS proteins. This includes the description of neuropathological changes of autoimmune-mediated CNS diseases, search for novel target antigens and associated syndromes, and development and improvement of diagnostic tests. Our research focuses on elucidating the molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying the immune-mediated tissue injury in disorders such as demyelinating CNS diseases (multiples sclerosis, neuromyelitis opitca, ADEM), anti-neuronal autoimmune encephalitis, and paraneoplastic neurological syndromes. Our findings impact multiple clinical and basic research disciplines, linking immunological processes with disease aspects in neurodegeneration, neurooncology, and epilepsy.

Selected Publications of Principle Investigator

  1. Höftberger R, Lassmann H (2017) Immune-mediated disorders. In: , Handbook of Clinical Neurology : 285-299
  2. Gelpi E, Höftberger R, Graus F, Ling H, Holton J, Dawson T, Popovic M, Pretnar-Oblak J, Högl B, Schmutzhard E, Poewe W, Ricken G, Santamaria J, Dalmau J, Budka H, Revesz T, Kovacs G (2016) Neuropathological criteria of anti-IgLON5-related tauopathy Acta Neuropathol, 132 (4): 531-543
  3. Höftberger R (2015) Neuroimmunology: An Expanding Frontier in Autoimmunity Front Immunol, 6
  4. Titulaer M, Höftberger R, Iizuka T, Leypoldt F, McCracken L, Cellucci T, Benson L, Shu H, Irioka T, Hirano M, Singh G, Cobo Calvo A, Kaida K, Morales P, Wirtz P, Yamamoto T, Reindl M, Rosenfeld M, Graus F, Saiz A, Dalmau J (2014) Overlapping demyelinating syndromes and anti-N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor encephalitis Ann Neurol, 75 (3): 411-428
  5. Hoftberger R, Titulaer M, Sabater L, Dome B, Rozsas A, Hegedus B, Hoda M, Laszlo V, Ankersmit H, Harms L, Boyero S, de Felipe A, Saiz A, Dalmau J, Graus F (2013) Encephalitis and GABAB receptor antibodies: Novel findings in a new case series of 20 patients Neurology, 81 (17): 1500-1506