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Full Info Person

Michael Fischer
Univ.-Prof. Michael Fischer

Position: Professor

Location: Schwarzspanierstrasse 17
Phone: +43 1 (40160)-31410

Research Area

Pain, TRPV Cation Channels

Research Interests


Principle Investigator(s)

  • Fischer, Michael (Head)
  • Abstract

    The lab investigates pain-inducing and analgesic mechanisms, generated by the primary afferent neurons. This includes all types of pain, althouigh there is a particular expertise regarding (thermo-)TRP ion channels. Methods go all the way from molecular, cellular, tissue to human level.


    Molecular biology, Optical Imaging, Electrophyisology, Confocal Microscopy, Medium Throughput Substance testing, Psychophysiology

    Selected publications

    1. Schwarz MG, Namer B, Reeh PW, Fischer MJM (2017) TRPA1 and TRPV1 Antagonists Do Not Inhibit Human Acidosis-Induced Pain J.Pain, 18(5): 526-534
    2. Emery EC, Diakogiannaki E, Gentry C, Psichas A, Habib AM, Bevan S, Fischer MJ, Reimann F, Gribble FM. (2015) Stimulation of glucagon-like peptide-1 secretion downstream of the ligand-gated ion channel TRPA1 Diabetes, 64(4): 1202-10
    3. Eberhardt M, Dux M, Namer B, Miljkovic J, Cordasic N, Will C, Kichko TI, de la Roche J, Fischer M, Suárez SA, Bikiel D, Dorsch K, Leffler A, Babes A, Lampert A, Lennerz JK, Jacobi J, Martí MA, Doctorovich F, Högestätt ED, Zygmunt PM, Ivanovic-Burmazovic I, Messlinger K, Reeh P, Filipovic MR (2014) H2S and NO cooperatively regulate vascular tone by activating a neuroendocrine HNO-TRPA1-CGRP signalling pathway Nat Commun, 5:4381
    4. Hammond GR1, Fischer MJ, Anderson KE, Holdich J, Koteci A, Balla T, Irvine RF (2012) PI4P and PI(4,5)P2 are essential but independent lipid determinants of membrane identity Science, 337(6095): 727-30
    5. Sixt ML, Messlinger K, Fischer MJ. (2009) Calcitonin gene-related peptide receptor antagonist olcegepant acts in the spinal trigeminal nucleus Brain, 132(11): 3134-41

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