Division of Molecular Neurosciences (Center for Brain Research)
Position: Associate Professor
Location: Spitalgasse 4
Phone: +43 1 40160-34064
E-Mail: roman.romanov@meduniwien.ac.at
Research Area
Brain, Embryonic and Fetal Development
Research Interests
Autistic Disorder, Hypothalamus
Principle Investigator(s)
My research interest focuses on unraveling the molecular and cellular organization of the brain and sensory systems with specific attention to molecular mechanisms of neurodevelopment and cell-to-cell interactions. I believe that such knowledge is essential for the progress in finding new preventive and therapeutic strategies for some of the most relevant public health concerns of our times – neurodevelopmental and neurodegenerative disorders.
Our model of hierarchical molecular codes in the hypothalamus development provided deep insight into the genetically encoded processes of differentiation and wiring, leading to unprecedented adult heterogeneity and functional performance of the conservative brain region - diencephalon.
I bridge novel experimental and computational approaches: during last 20 years, I developed scientific and technical expertise in functional assays in animal models involving the chemogenetic and optogentic approaches, electrophysiology, molecular signaling, developmental processes and computational analysis of single-cell data. Throughout the past ten years, I developed a strong interest in applications and computational analysis of single-cell data and was amongst pioneers in using the new innovative technology of single-cell RNA sequencing, for cell type profiling and investigating developmental mechanisms underlying cellular diversity (Romanov et al, 2015, 2017, 2020).
Selected publications
- Romanov R, Harkany T (2023) Grabbing neuropeptide signals in the brain Science, 382 (6672): 764-765
| Weblink | - Korchynska S, Rebernik P, Pende M, Boi L, Alpár A, Tasan R, Becker K, Balueva K, Saghafi S, Wulff P, Horvath T, Fisone G, Dodt H, Hökfelt T, Harkany T, Romanov R (2022) A hypothalamic dopamine locus for psychostimulant-induced hyperlocomotion in mice Nat Commun, 13 (1)
- Romanov R, Tretiakov E, Kastriti M, Zupancic M, Häring M, Korchynska S, Popadin K, Benevento M, Rebernik P, Lallemend F, Nishimori K, Clotman F, Andrews W, Parnavelas J, Farlik M, Bock C, Adameyko I, Hökfelt T, Keimpema E, Harkany T (2020) Molecular design of hypothalamus development Nature, 582(7811): 246-252
- Alpár A, Zahola P, Hanics J, Hevesi Z, Korchynska S, Benevento M, Pifl C, Zachar G, Perugini J, Severi I, Leitgeb P, Bakker J, Miklosi AG, Tretiakov E, Keimpema E, Arque G, Tasan RO, Sperk G, Malenczyk K, Máté Z, Erdélyi F, Szabó G, Lubec G, Palkovits M, Giordano A, Hökfelt TG, Romanov RA, Horvath TL, Harkany T. (2018) Hypothalamic CNTF volume transmission shapes cortical noradrenergic excitability upon acute stress EMBO J., 37: e100087
- Romanov R, Zeisel A, Bakker J, Girach F, Hellysaz A, Tomer R, Alpár A, Mulder J, Clotman F, Keimpema E, Hsueh B, Crow A, Martens H, Schwindling C, Calvigioni D, Bains J, Máté Z, Szabó G, Yanagawa Y, Zhang M, Rendeiro A, Farlik M, Uhlén M, Wulff P, Bock C, Broberger C, Deisseroth K, Hökfelt T, Linnarsson S, Horvath T, Harkany T (2017) Molecular interrogation of hypothalamic organization reveals distinct dopamine neuronal subtypes Nature Neurosci, 20 (2): 176-188