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Full Info Person

Johannes Wancata Johannes Wancata

Division of Social Psychiatry (Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy)
Position: Professor

Location: 1090 Wien, Währinger Gürtel 18-20

Further Information

Research Area

Epidemiology, Mental Health Services, Social Networking

Research Interests

Caregiver Research, Health Services Research, Migration, Rehabilitation, Schizophrenia, Social Determinants of Health, Social Risk Factors, Stigma


Our work includes a wide range of topics:

  • The influence of social networks and the society on persons suffering from mental illness.
  • The societal consequences of mental disorders (e.g. stigma, unemplyoment)
  • Psychiatric epidemiology for identifying risk factors for developing mental illness.
  • Health services research
  • Using the family and other social network for treatment of patients.
  • Rehabilitation


  • Development of reserach instruments (e.g. interviews, questionnaires) for social psychiatry
  • Validation of such reserach instruments
  • Validity of screening tools in psychiatry
  • Epidemiological surveys
  • Analysing epidemiological data



Selected publications

  1. Wancata J, Freidl M, Unger A, Jahn R, Soulier N, Fellinger M, Daniel R (2015) Projections About the Future Number of Dementia Sufferers: Increasing Life Expectancy Not Sufficiently Considered? Psychiatr Danub., 27 (4): 452-457
  2. Wancata J, Freidl M, Krautgartner M, Friedrich F, Matschnig T, Unger A, Gössler R, Frühwald S (2008) Gender aspects of parents’ needs of schizophrenia patients Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol, 43 (12): 968-974
  3. Wancata J, Börjesson-Hanson A, Östling S, Sjögren K, Skoog I (2007) Diagnostic criteria influence dementia prevalence Am J Geriatr Psychiatry, 15: 1034-1045
  4. Wancata J, Alexandrowicz R, Marquart B, Weiss M, Friedrich F (2006) The criterion validity of the Geriatric Depression Scale: a systematic review Acta Psychiatr Scand, 114 (6): 398-410
  5. Wancata J, Krautgartner M, Berner J, Scumaci S, Freidl M, Alexandrowicz R, Rittmannsberger H (2006) The “Carers’ needs assessment for Schizophrenia” Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol, 41 (3): 221-229

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