Institute of Pharmacology (Center for Physiology and Pharmacology)
Position: Professor
E-Mail: michael.freissmuth@meduniwien.ac.at
Research Interests
Folding and targeting of neurotransmitter transporters and GPCRs, mechanism of drug action on GPCRs, Neurotransmitter Transporters, Signalling by G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs)
Principle Investigator(s)
Cells release diffusible signalling molecules, which engage GPCRs and which are in many instances cleared by reuptake via transporters. Both, GPCRs and neurotransmitter transporters are prime targets for drugs that act in the brain. As in business, location is key: the outcome of GPCR-dependent signalling is determined by the site, where the signal is generated. Accordingly, our current research focus is to understand how receptors and transporters reach their destination. In addition, we aim at translating our insights into therapeutic applications. This results in inductive leaps and surprising digressions into various areas including cancer models and haematopoetic stem cell transplantation.
Molecular pharmacology adapts the methodological repertoire of biochemistry and molecular biology to the study of drug action. In addition, we visualize the fate of our drug targets by fluorescence microscopy, their localization by confocal laser microscopy, their interaction with other proteins by fluorescence resonance energy transfer and their mobility by single particle tracking.
Selected publications
- Thurner P, Gsandtner I, Kudlacek O, Choquet D, Nanoff C, Freissmuth M, Zezula J (2014) A Two-state Model for the Diffusion of the A2A Adenosine Receptor in Hippocampal Neurons: AGONIST-INDUCED SWITCH TO SLOW MOBILITY IS MODIFIED BY SYNAPSE-ASSOCIATED PROTEIN 102 (SAP102) J Biol Chem, 289 (13): 9263-9274
- Montgomery T, Steinkellner T, Sucic S, Koban F, Schuchner S, Ogris E, Sitte H, Freissmuth M (2014) Axonal Targeting of the Serotonin Transporter in Cultured Rat Dorsal Raphe Neurons Is Specified by SEC24C-Dependent Export from the Endoplasmic Reticulum J Neurosci, 34 (18): 6344-6351
- Bergmayr C, Thurner P, Keuerleber S, Kudlacek O, Nanoff C, Freissmuth M, Gruber C (2013) Recruitment of a Cytoplasmic Chaperone Relay by the A2A Adenosine Receptor J Biol Chem, 288 (40): 28831-28844
- Sucic S, Koban F, El-Kasaby A, Kudlacek O, Stockner T, Sitte H, Freissmuth M (2013) Switching the Clientele: A LYSINE RESIDING IN THE C TERMINUS OF THE SEROTONIN TRANSPORTER SPECIFIES ITS PREFERENCE FOR THE COAT PROTEIN COMPLEX II COMPONENT SEC24C J Biol Chem, 288 (8): 5330-5341
- Keuerleber S, Thurner P, Gruber C, Zezula J, Freissmuth M (2012) Reengineering the Collision Coupling and Diffusion Mode of the A2A-adenosine Receptor: PALMITOYLATION IN HELIX 8 RELIEVES CONFINEMENT J Biol Chem, 287 (50): 42104-42118