Division of Cognitive Neurobiology (Center for Brain Research)
Position: Research Assistant
Location: Spitalgasse 4
Phone: +43 1 40160-34250
E-Mail: ricardo.martinsmerino@meduniwien.ac.at
Research Area
Electrophysiology, GABAergic Neurons
Research Interests
Cognition, Prefrontal Cortex
Principle Investigator(s)
Selected publications
- Singh M, Zhao Y, Gastaldi V, Wojcik S, Curto Y, Kawaguchi R, Merino RM, Garcia-Agudo L, Taschenberger H, Brose N, Geschwind D, Nave K, Ehrenreich H (2023) Erythropoietin re-wires cognition-associated transcriptional networks Nat Commun, 14 (1)
- Merino RM, Leon-Pinzon C, Stühmer W, Möck M, Staiger J, Wolf F, Neef A (2021) Theta activity paradoxically boosts gamma and ripple frequency sensitivity in prefrontal interneurons PNAS, 118 (51)
- Nestvogel D, Merino RM, Leon-Pinzon C, Schottdorf M, Lee C, Imig C, Brose N, Rhee J (2020) The Synaptic Vesicle Priming Protein CAPS-1 Shapes the Adaptation of Sensory Evoked Responses in Mouse Visual Cortex Cell Rep, 30 (10): 3261-3269.e4
- Keppeler* D, Merino* RM, Lopez de la Morena* D, Bali B, Huet A, Gehrt A, Wrobel C, Subramanian S, Dombrowski T, Wolf F, Rankovic V, Neef A, Moser T (2018) Ultrafast optogenetic stimulation of the auditory pathway by targeting‐optimized Chronos Embo Journ, 37 (24)
- da Silva* M, Merino* RM, Mecawi A, Moraes D, Varanda W (2015) In vitro differentiation between oxytocin- and vasopressin-secreting magnocellular neurons requires more than one experimental criterion Mol Cell Endocrinol, 400: 102-111