Division of Social Psychiatry (Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy)
Position: Professor
Location: 1090 Wien, Währinger Gürtel 18-20
E-Mail: johannes.wancata@meduniwien.ac.at
Research Area
Epidemiology, Mental Health Services, Social Networking
Research Interests
Caregiver Research, Health Services Research, Migration, Rehabilitation, Schizophrenia, Social Determinants of Health, Social Risk Factors, Stigma
Our work includes a wide range of topics:
- The influence of social networks and the society on persons suffering from mental illness.
- The societal consequences of mental disorders (e.g. stigma, unemplyoment)
- Psychiatric epidemiology for identifying risk factors for developing mental illness.
- Health services research
- Using the family and other social network for treatment of patients.
- Rehabilitation
- Development of reserach instruments (e.g. interviews, questionnaires) for social psychiatry
- Validation of such reserach instruments
- Validity of screening tools in psychiatry
- Epidemiological surveys
- Analysing epidemiological data
Selected publications
- Wancata J, Freidl M, Unger A, Jahn R, Soulier N, Fellinger M, Daniel R (2015) Projections About the Future Number of Dementia Sufferers: Increasing Life Expectancy Not Sufficiently Considered? Psychiatr Danub., 27 (4): 452-457
- Wancata J, Freidl M, Krautgartner M, Friedrich F, Matschnig T, Unger A, Gössler R, Frühwald S (2008) Gender aspects of parents’ needs of schizophrenia patients Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol, 43 (12): 968-974
- Wancata J, Börjesson-Hanson A, Östling S, Sjögren K, Skoog I (2007) Diagnostic criteria influence dementia prevalence Am J Geriatr Psychiatry, 15: 1034-1045
- Wancata J, Alexandrowicz R, Marquart B, Weiss M, Friedrich F (2006) The criterion validity of the Geriatric Depression Scale: a systematic review Acta Psychiatr Scand, 114 (6): 398-410
- Wancata J, Krautgartner M, Berner J, Scumaci S, Freidl M, Alexandrowicz R, Rittmannsberger H (2006) The “Carers’ needs assessment for Schizophrenia” Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol, 41 (3): 221-229