Division of Neuronal Cell Biology (Center for Brain Research)
Position: Research Assistant
Location: Sptalgasse 4, 1090 Wien
Phone: +43 1 40160-34124
E-Mail: lukasz.piszczek@meduniwien.ac.at
Research Area
Principle Investigator(s)
I am interested in mechanisms linking genetic variance with the way neuronal networks compute and process information, which in turn translates into magnitude of behavioral phenotypes. In my research, I am employing integrated workflows that bridge circuit neuroscience with neurogenetic data and deep behavioral profiling to investigate how sets of genes and/or accumulation of genetic variance along specific sites in neuronal networks might bias circuit activity and response, and manifest as a behavioral trait (such as trait impulsivity) or psychiatric disease (e.g. stress and anxiety disorders). In the long run, this will help to understand constraints and freedoms between genetic variance, neural information processing and behavioral traits, processes that drive behavioral diversity in both health and psychiatric conditions.
Behavioral Phenotyping, Data Science, Pharmacology, Genetics, Optogenetics, Molecular Biology