Division of Neuronal Cell Biology (Center for Brain Research)
Circuit Neuroscience (The Research Institute of Molecular Pathology (IMP) )
Position: Professor
Location: Spitalgasse 4
Phone: +43 1 40160-34262
E-Mail: wulf.haubensak@meduniwien.ac.at
Research Area
Research Interests
Ethology, Genetics, Behavioral, Neural Pathways
Principle Investigator(s)
We are particularly interested in exploring neuronal circuits between amygdala and cortex and how they attribute salience (important) and valence (good or bad). We want to understand how these networks build affective models of our environment to guide our experience by interoceptive intuition (gut feeling).
In a neurogenetics initiative, we are currently adopting integrated workflows that bridge circuit neuroscience with neurogenetic data to investigate how gene sets bias circuit activity, affective states and behavior. This will help to understand constraints and freedoms between genetic variance, circuit computation and affective traits – processes that drive behavioral diversity in health and psychitric conditions.
We use molecular, chemogenetic, and optogenetic methods, electrophysiology and Ca2+imaging and fMRI data to map neural circuits. For behavioral characterization, we used standardized behavioral test battery for affective profiling. My laboratory also employs methods for mining comparative genetic and brain data in silico.
Selected publications
- Piszczek L, Constantinescu A, Kargl D, Lazovic J, Pekcec A, Nicholson J, Haubensak W (2022) Dissociation of impulsive traits by subthalamic metabotropic glutamate receptor 4 eLife, 11
| Weblink | - Kargl D, Kaczanowska J, Ulonska S, Groessl F, Piszczek L, Lazovic J, Buehler K, Haubensak W (2020) The amygdala instructs insular feedback for affective learning eLife, 9
| Weblink | - Pfaff D, Tabansky I, Haubensak W (2019) Tinbergen’s challenge for the neuroscience of behavior PNAS, 116 (20): 9704-9710
| Weblink | - Groessl F, Munsch T, Meis S, Griessner J, Kaczanowska J, Pliota P, Kargl D, Badurek S, Kraitsy K, Rassoulpour A, Zuber J, Lessmann V, Haubensak W (2018) Dorsal tegmental dopamine neurons gate associative learning of fear Nature Neurosci, 21 (7): 952-962
| Weblink | - Ganglberger F, Kaczanowska J, Penninger J, Hess A, Bühler K, Haubensak W (2018) Predicting functional neuroanatomical maps from fusing brain networks with genetic information Neuroimage, 170: 113-120
| Weblink |