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Detailansicht Person

Dominic Kargl
Dominic Kargl, PhDPostdoc

Division of Neuronal Cell Biology (Center for Brain Research)
Position: Research Assistant

Location: Spitalgasse 4
Phone: +43 1 40160-34124

Research Area


Research Interests

Affect, Afferent Pathways, Association Learning, Electrophysiology, Neocortex, Optogenetics, Psychiatry

Principle Investigator(s)

  • Haubensak, Wulf
  • Abstract

    I am interested in how our brain extracts meaning from the vast amount of sensory information in our environment. Sensing signals from the body,called interoception, isa deeply rootedsensory modality of the self. As such, it mayserve as aninternal reference for our brain to contextualize experiences coming in fromourexteroceptive sensesand determines how we feel about things.In my research, Iwant explorethe mechanisms that build such affective models and how they are used for meaningful adaptive behaviors. In a biomedical context, I would like to understand whether disturbance in these mechanisms may contribute to psychiatric disorders.


    Chemogenetics, Optogenetics, In vivoelectrophysiology, Behavioral Phenotyping, Molecular biology

    Selected publications

    1. Piszczek L, Constantinescu A, Kargl D, Lazovic J, Pekcec A, Nicholson J, Haubensak W (2022) Dissociation of impulsive traits by subthalamic metabotropic glutamate receptor 4 eLife, 11
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    2. Peter M, Aschauer D F, Rose R, Sinning A, Grössl F, Kargl D, Kraitsy K, Burkard T R, Luhmann H J, Haubensak W, Rumpel S (2021) Rapid nucleus-scale reorganization of chromatin in neurons enables transcriptional adaptation for memory consolidation PlosOne, 16 (5): e0244038
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    3. Kargl D, Kaczanowska J, Ulonska S, Groessl F, Piszczek L, Lazovic J, Buehler K, Haubensak W (2020) The amygdala instructs insular feedback for affective learning eLife, 9
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    4. Groessl F, Munsch T, Meis S, Griessner J, Kaczanowska J, Pliota P, Kargl D, Badurek S, Kraitsy K, Rassoulpour A, Zuber J, Lessmann V, Haubensak W (2018) Dorsal tegmental dopamine neurons gate associative learning of fear Nature Neurosci, 21 (7): 952-962
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