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Detailansicht Person

Hugo Malagon-Vina
Dipl.-Ing. Hugo Malagon-Vina, PhD

Division of Cognitive Neurobiology (Center for Brain Research)
Position: Research Assistant

Location: Spitalgasse 4
Phone: +43 1 40160-34250

Research Area

Cognition, Hippocampus, Prefrontal Cortex

Research Interests

Anxiety, Artificial Intelligence, Behavioral Sciences, Cognitive Science, Data Mining, Decision Making, Hippocampus, Neurobiology, Prefrontal Cortex

Principle Investigator(s)

  • Klausberger, Thomas
  • Selected publications

    1. Passecker J, Mikus N, Malagon-Vina H, Anner P, Dimidschstein J, Fishell G, Dorffner G, Klausberger T (2019) Activity of Prefrontal Neurons Predict Future Choices during Gambling Neuron, 101 (1): 152-164.e7
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    2. Kaefer K, Malagon‐Vina H, Dickerson D, O'Neill J, Trossbach S, Korth C, Csicsvari J (2019) Disrupted‐in‐schizophrenia 1 overexpression disrupts hippocampal coding and oscillatory synchronization Hippocampus,
    3. Malagon-Vina H, Ciocchi S, Passecker J, Dorffner G, Klausberger T (2018) Fluid network dynamics in the prefrontal cortex during multiple strategy switching Nat Commun, 9 (1): 309
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    4. Lagler M, Ozdemir A, Lagoun S, Malagon-Vina H, Borhegyi Z, Hauer R, Jelem A, Klausberger T (2016) Divisions of Identified Parvalbumin-Expressing Basket Cells during Working Memory-Guided Decision Making Neuron, 91 (6): 1390-1401
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    5. Ciocchi S, Passecker J, Malagon-Vina H, Mikus N, Klausberger T (2015) Selective information routing by ventral hippocampal CA1 projection neurons Science, 348 (6234): 560-563
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