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Detailansicht Institutionen/PIs

Sachs, Gabriele

Department: Division of Social Psychiatry
Head: Wancata, Johannes,

Research Area

Clinical Cognitive Neuroscience


The structural basis of cognitive and emotional deficits in psychiatric disorders is a central research question in neuroscience. Our main area of research includes studies of complex cognitive functions, social cognition and mentalizing using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and event-related potentials (ERP). In the EU-project “Translating neuroimaging findings from research into clinical practice (PSYSCAN)” brain imaging will be performed, in addition markers in genetics, neurocognition and neuroimmunology will be assessed. To assess cognitive function in patients and healthy controls modern neuropsychological tests have been translated and validated. Taking the MATRICS Expert Consensus as basis, a German version of the MCCB test battery was validated; an online version is being developed in collaboration with the UCLA. For daily clinical assessment of cognition, the German versions of the BACS and the SCIP have been developed and validated. Combining neuropsychopharmacology and cognitive therapy has been shown to be a promising approach in treating psychiatric disorders, e.g. schizophrenia. Brain imaging techniques are used to elucidate the mechanisms that underlie these treatment strategies in schizophrenia (particularly first episode manifestations) and affective disorders.

Selected Publications of Principle Investigator

  1. Wancata J, Freidl M, Unger A, Jahn R, Soulier N, Fellinger M, Daniel R (2015) Projections About the Future Number of Dementia Sufferers: Increasing Life Expectancy Not Sufficiently Considered? Psychiatr Danub., 27 (4): 452-457
  2. Wancata J, Freidl M, Krautgartner M, Friedrich F, Matschnig T, Unger A, Gössler R, Frühwald S (2008) Gender aspects of parents’ needs of schizophrenia patients Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol, 43 (12): 968-974
  3. Wancata J, Börjesson-Hanson A, Östling S, Sjögren K, Skoog I (2007) Diagnostic criteria influence dementia prevalence Am J Geriatr Psychiatry, 15: 1034-1045
  4. Wancata J, Alexandrowicz R, Marquart B, Weiss M, Friedrich F (2006) The criterion validity of the Geriatric Depression Scale: a systematic review Acta Psychiatr Scand, 114 (6): 398-410
  5. Wancata J, Krautgartner M, Berner J, Scumaci S, Freidl M, Alexandrowicz R, Rittmannsberger H (2006) The “Carers’ needs assessment for Schizophrenia” Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol, 41 (3): 221-229