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Detailansicht Institutionen/PIs

Ernst, Margot

Department: Division of Pathobiology of the Nervous System
Head: Ernst, Margot, Assoc. Prof. Priv.-Doz. Dr., PhD

Research Area

Margot Ernst


The Ernst group works on GABA-A receptors with focus on mode of action and subtype specific allosteric ligands (such as subtype selective benzodiazepines), and on the role of these receptors in diverse pathologies.

Ongoing collaborations include the characterization of GABR variants in neuropsychiatric conditions such as epilepsy (with Martin Krenn), the development of tool compounds for the in vitro, ex vivo and in vivo study of GABA-A receptor function within the FWF funded W1232 program, and the study of GABA-A receptor mediated toxicology in the EU/ IMI2 funded NeuroDeRisk program.

Selected Publications of Principle Investigator

  1. Varagic Z, Wimmer L, Schnuerch M, Mihovilovic MD, Huang S, Rallapalli S, Cook JM, Mirheydari P, Ecker GF, Sieghart W, Ernst M (2013) Identification of novel positive allosteric modulators and null modulators at the GABA-a receptor alpha+beta-interface Br J Pharmacol, 169(2): 371-383
  2. Varagic Z, Ramerstorfer J, Huang S, Rallapalli S, Sarto-Jackson I, Cook J, Sieghart W, Ernst M (2013) Subtype selectivity of alpha+beta-site ligands of GABA-A receptors - identification of the first highly specific positive modulators at alpha6beta2/3gamma2 receptors Br J Pharmacol, 169(2): 384-399
  3. Richter L, de Graaf C, Sieghart W, Varagic Z, Mörzinger M, de Esch IJP, Ecker GF, Ernst M (2012) Diazepam-bound GABA-A receptor models identify new benzodiazepine binding site ligands Nature Chem Biol, 8: 455-464
  4. Ramerstorfer J, Furtmüller R, Sarto-Jackson I, Varagic Z, Sieghart W, Ernst M (2011) The GABA-A receptor alpha+beta-interface: a novel target for subtype-selective drugs J Neurosci, 31: 870-877
  5. Sieghart W, Ernst M (2005) Heterogeneity of GABA-A receptors: revived interest in the development of subtype-selective drugs Curr Med Chem - Centr Nervous Syst, 5: 217-242
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