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Medical NeuroScience Cluster Publications by Ludwig, Birgit,, BA BSc

2022 Original Articles

  • Ludwig B, Carlberg L, Kienesberger K, Swoboda P, Swoboda M, Bernegger A, Koller R, Inaner M, Fuxjäger M, Zotter M, Schmelzle N, Senft B, Meisner L, Fischer-Hansal D, Huber J, Schoenthaler S, Kapusta N, Haslacher H, Aigner M, Weinhaeusel A, Kasper S, Schosser A (2022) Oxytocin receptor gene methylation as a molecular marker for severity of depressive symptoms in affective disorder patients BMC Psychiatry, 22 (1): 1-8
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2021 Original Articles

  • Ludwig B, Carlberg L, Kienesberger K, Swoboda P, Mitschek M, Bernegger A, Koller R, Inaner M, Senft B, Meisner L, Fischer-Hansal D, Affenzeller A, Huber J, Schoenthaler S, Kapusta N, Haslacher H, Aigner M, Weinhaeusel A, Kasper S, Schosser A (2021) Monoamino Oxidase a Gene Single-Nucleotide Polymorphisms and Methylation Status and the Risk of Violent Suicide Attempts in Affective Disorder Patients Front Psychiatry, 12
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2020 Original Articles

  • Altmann P, De Simoni D, Kaider A, Ludwig B, Rath J, Leutmezer F, Zimprich F, Hoeftberger R, Lunn M, Heslegrave A, Berger T, Zetterberg H, Rommer P (2020) Increased serum neurofilament light chain concentration indicates poor outcome in Guillain-Barré syndrome J Neuroinflammation, 17 (1)

2019 Original Articles

  • Ludwig B, Mitschek M, Carlberg L, Kienesberger K, Swoboda P, Bernegger A, Inaner M, Senft B, Kapusta N, Haslacher H, Aigner M, Kasper S, Schosser A (2019) Parasuicidal behavior and neuroinflammation: A genetics and gene expression approach Eur Neuropsychopharmacol, 29: S580-S581
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  • Ludwig B, Carlberg L, Kienesberger K, Swoboda P, Mitschek M, Bernegger A, Inaner M, Senft B, Kapusta N, Haslacher H, Aigner M, Kasper S, Schosser A (2019) P.1.14 Oxytocin receptor gene methylation as a molecular marker for severity of depressive symptoms in mood disorder patients Eur Neuropsychopharmacol, 29: S643-S644
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  • Ludwig B, König D, Kapusta N, Blüml V, Dorffner G, Vyssoki B (2019) Clustering suicides: A data-driven, exploratory machine learning approach Eur Psychiatry, 62: 15-19

2018 Original Articles

  • Ludwig B, Roy B, Dwivedi Y. (2018) Role of HPA and the HPG Axis Interaction in Testosterone-Mediated Learned Helpless Behavior. Mol Neurobiol,
  • Agrawal J*, Ludwig B*, Roy B, Dwivedi Y. (2018) Chronic Testosterone Increases Impulsivity and Influences the Transcriptional Activity of the Alpha-2A Adrenergic Receptor Signaling Pathway in Rat Brain. Mol Neurobiol,
  • Ludwig B, Kienesberger K, Carlberg L, Swoboda P, Bernegger A, Koller R, Wang Q, Inaner M, Zotter M, Kapusta N, Haslacher H, Aigner M, Kasper S, Schosser A (2018) Influence of CRHR1 Polymorphisms and Childhood Abuse on Suicide Attempts in Affective Disorders: A GxE Approach Front Psychiatry, 26(9): 165
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  • Ludwig B, Turk B, Seitz T, Klaus I, Löffler-Stastka H (2018) The search for attitude—a hidden curriculum assessment from a central European perspective Wien. Klin. Wochenschr., 130 (3-4): 134-140
  • Ludwig B, Dwivedi Y (2018) The concept of violent suicide, its underlying trait and neurobiology: A critical perspective Eur Neuropsychopharmacol, 28 (2): 243-251

2017 Original Articles

  • Ludwig B, Roy B, Wang Q, Birur B, Dwivedi Y (2017) The Life Span Model of Suicide and Its Neurobiological Foundation Front Neurosci, 11

2016 Original Articles

  • Ludwig B, Dwivedi Y (2016) Dissecting bipolar disorder complexity through epigenomic approach Mol Psychiatry, 21 (11): 1490-1498

2014 Original Articles

  • Carlberg L, Scheibelreiter J, Hassler M, Schloegelhofer M, Schmoeger M, Ludwig B, Kasper S, Aschauer H, Egger G, Schosser A (2014) Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF)—Epigenetic regulation in unipolar and bipolar affective disorder J Affect Disord, 168: 399-406
  • Carlberg L, Scheibelreiter J, Hassler M, Schloegelhofer M, Schmoeger M, Ludwig B, Kasper S, Aschauer H, Egger G, Schosser A (2014) Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF)—Epigenetic regulation in unipolar and bipolar affective disorder J Affect Disord, 168: 399-406

2013 Original Articles

  • Carlberg L, Scheibelreiter J, Hassler M, Schloeglhofer M, Schmoeger M, Ludwig B, Kasper S, Aschauer H, Egger G, Schosser A (2013) P.1.a.010 DNA methylation of the BDNF gene in schizophrenia Eur Neuropsychopharmacol, 23: S165