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Medical NeuroScience Cluster Publications by Bartova, Lucie,, MD PhD

2023 Original Articles

  • Bartova L, Fugger G, Dold M, Kautzky A, Fanelli G, Zanardi R, Albani D, Weidenauer A, Rujescu D, Souery D, Mendlewicz J, Montgomery S, Zohar J, Fabbri C, Serretti A, Kasper S (2023) Real-world characteristics of European patients receiving SNRIs as first-line treatment for major depressive disorder J Affect Disord, 332: 105-114
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2023 Reviews

  • Bartova L, Dold M, Fugger G, Weidenauer A, Rujescu D, Kasper S (2023) Silexan for treatment of anxiety and depression in the context of COVID-19 Eur Neuropsychopharmacol, 70: 47-48
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2022 Original Articles

  • L. Bartova, G. Fugger, M. Dold, S. Kasper (2022) Therapieoptionen bei Angsterkrankungen unter Berücksichtigung der Phyto- Psychopharmakotherapie Journal für Neurologie, Neurochirurgie und Psychiatrie, 23: 124-130
  • Bartova L, Fugger G, Dold M, Kautzky A, Rujescu D, Kasper S (2022) Psychotherapy’s Role for Treatment-Resistant Depression? Am J Psychiatry, 179 (9): 687-687
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  • Bartova L, Dold M, Volz HP, Seifritz E, Möller HJ, Kasper S (2022) Beneficial effects of Silexan on co-occurring depressive symptoms in patients with subthreshold anxiety and anxiety disorders – randomized, placebo-controlled trials revisited. Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci,
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  • Fugger G, Bartova L, Dold M, Fabbri C, Fanelli G, Zanardi R, Kautzky A, Zohar J, Souery D, Mendlewicz J, Montgomery S, Rujescu D, Serretti A, Kasper S (2022) Evidence on Sociodemographic and Clinical Correlates of Antidepressant Combination or Augmentation with Second-Generation Antipsychotics in Major Depressive Disorder. Prog in Neuropsychopharmaco & Biolog. Psychiatry , 114: 110480
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  • Fugger G, Bartova L, Fabbri C, Fanelli G, Zanardi R, Dold M, Kautzky A, Rujescu D, Souery D, Mendlewicz J, Zohar J, Montgomery S, Serretti A, Kasper S (2022) The Sociodemographic and Clinical Phenotype of European Patients with Major Depressive Disorder Undergoing first-line Antidepressant Treatment with NaSSAs J Affect Disord, : 225-234
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  • Fugger G, Bartova L, Fabbri C, Fanelli G, Dold M, Swoboda MMM, Kautzky A, Zohar J, Souery D, Mendlewicz J, Montgomery S, Rujescu D, Serretti A, Kasper S (2022) The Sociodemographic and Clinical Profile of Patients with Major Depressive Disorder Receiving SSRIs as First-line Antidepressant Treatment in European Countries. Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci,
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  • Bartova L, Fugger G, Dold M, Kautzky A, Swoboda MMM, Rujescu D, Zohar J, Souery D, Mendlewicz J, Montgomery S, Fabbri C, Serretti A, Kasper S (2022) The Choice of either Quetiapine or Aripiprazole as Augmentation Treatment in a European Naturalistic Sample of Patients with Major Depressive Disorder. Int. J. Neuropsychopharmacol., 25: 118-127
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  • Volz H, Bartečků E, Bartova L, Bessa J, De Berardis D, Dragasek J, Kozhuharov H, Ladea M, Lazáry J, Roca M, Usov G, Wichniak A, Godman B, Kasper S (2022) Sick leave duration as a potential marker of functionality and disease severity in depression Int J Psychiatry Clin Pract, 26 (4): 406-416
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2022 Reviews

  • Kasper S, Sachs G, Erfurth A, Rujescu D, Bach M, Baldinger-Melich P, Bartova L, Conca A, Dold M, Frey R, Goessler R, Hausmann A, Lan-zenberger R, Lehofer M, Marksteiner J, Naderi-Heiden A, Plener P, Praschak-Rieder N, Rados C, Schosser A, Sperner-Unterweger B, Spies M, Winkler D (2022) Angststörungen Psychopharmakotherapie Jatros Neurologie & Psychiatrie ,
  • Fugger G, Bartova L, Dold M, Kasper S (2022) Die therapieresistente Depression (TRD) – Herausforderungen und praktisches Management. psychopraxis. neuropraxis, : 49 – 54
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2021 Original Articles

  • Bartova L, Kasper S (2021) Chronobiologie der Depression Psychiatr Danub., 33: 446-453
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  • Sauerzopf U, Weidenauer A, Dajic I, Bauer M, Bartova L, Meyer B, Nics L, Philippe C, Pfaff S, Pichler V, Mitterhauser M, Wadsak W, Hacker M, Kasper S, Lanzenberger R, Pezawas L, Praschak-Rieder N, Willeit M (2021) Disrupted relationship between blood glucose and brain dopamine D2/3 receptor binding in patients with first-episode schizophrenia Neuroimage Clin, 32: 102813
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  • Dold M, Bartova L, Fugger G, Mitschek MMM, Fabbri C, Serretti A, Mendlewicz J, Souery D, Zohar J, Montgomery S, Kasper S (2021) Pregabalin augmentation of antidepressants in major depression – results from a European multicenter study J Affect Disord, 296: 485-492
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  • Bartova L, Dold M, Fugger G, Kautzky A, Mitschek M, Weidenauer A, Hienert M, Frey R, Mandelli L, Zohar J, Mendlewicz J, Souery D, Montgomery S, Fabbri C, Serretti A, Kasper S (2021) Sex‐related effects in major depressive disorder: Results of the European Group for the Study of Resistant Depression Depress Anxiety,
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  • Bartova L, Fugger G, Dold M, Swoboda M, Zohar J, Mendlewicz J, Souery D, Montgomery S, Fabbri C, Serretti A, Kasper S (2021) Combining psychopharmacotherapy and psychotherapy is not associated with better treatment outcome in major depressive disorder - evidence from the European Group for the Study of Resistant Depression J Psychiatr Res, 141: 167-175
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  • Milenkovic I, Bartova L, Papageorgiou K, Kasper S, Traub-Weidinger T, Winkler D (2021) Case Report: Bupropion Reduces the [123I]FP-CIT Binding to Striatal Dopamine Transporter Front Psychiatry, 12: 631357
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  • Dold M, Bartova L, Fugger G, Kautzky A, Mitschek M, Fabbri C, Montgomery S, Zohar J, Souery D, Mendlewicz J, Serretti A, Kasper S (2021) Melancholic features in major depression – a European multicenter study Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry, 110: 110285
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  • Bartova L, Dold M, Fugger G, Kautzky A, Mitschek M, Weidenauer A, Handschuh P, Frey R, Mandelli L, Zohar J, Mendlewicz J, Souery D, Montgomery S, Fabbri C, Serretti A, Kasper S (2021) The Role of Relationship Status in Major Depressive Disorder Results of the European Group for the Study of Resistant Depression J Affect Disord, 286: 149-157
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  • Kautzky A, Möller H, Dold M, Bartova L, Seemüller F, Laux G, Riedel M, Gaebel W, Kasper S (2021) Combining machine learning algorithms for prediction of antidepressant treatment response Acta Psychiatr Scand, 143 (1): 36-49
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2021 Reviews

  • Kasper S, Erfurth A, Sachs G, Aichhorn W, Bartova L, Bengesser S, Buchmayer F, Deisenhammer E, Di Pauli J, Dold M, Falkai P, Frey R, Glück K, Hofer A, Holsboer-Trachsler E, Kautzky A, Konstantinidis A, Kraus C, Lehofer M, Marksteiner J, Mitschek M, Mörkl S, Oberlerchner H, Plener P, Psota G, Rados C, Rainer M, Schosser A, Seifritz E, Silberbauer C, Winkler D, Wunsch C, Zwanzger P (2021) Therapieresistente Depression: Diagnose und Behandlung, Konsensus-Statement Jatros Neurologie & Psychiatrie , Sonderheft 03/2021: 1-32

2020 Original Articles

  • Dold M, Bartova L, Kasper S (2020) Treatment Response of Add-On Esketamine Nasal Spray in Resistant Major Depression in Relation to Add-On Second-Generation Antipsychotic Treatment Int J Neuropsychopharmacol, 23 (7): 440-445
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  • Fugger G, Dold M, Bartova L, Mitschek M, Souery D, Mendlewicz J, Serretti A, Zohar J, Montgomery S, Fabbri C, Frey R, Kasper S (2020) Clinical Correlates and Outcome of Major Depressive Disorder and Comorbid Migraine: A Report of the European Group for the Study of Resistant Depression Int J Neuropsychopharmacol, 23 (9): 571-577
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  • Silberbauer L, Bartova L, Papageorgiou K, Lanzenberger R, Kasper S, Winkler D (2020) Oral Ketamine as a Treatment Option in Patients With Treatment Resistant Depression and Comorbid Arterial Hypertension J Clin Psychopharmacol, 40 (4): 418-420
  • Dold M, Bartova L, Fugger G, Mitschek M, Kautzky A, Frey R, Montgomery S, Zohar J, Mendlewicz J, Souery D, Fabbri C, Serretti A, Kasper S (2020) Add-on benzodiazepine treatment in patients with major depressive disorder – results from a European cross-sectional multicenter study Eur Neuropsychopharmacol, 41: 70-80
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  • Weidenauer A, Bauer M, Sauerzopf U, Bartova L, Nics L, Pfaff S, Philippe C, Berroterán-Infante N, Pichler V, Meyer B, Rabl U, Sezen P, Cumming P, Stimpfl T, Sitte H, Lanzenberger R, Mossaheb N, Zimprich A, Rusjan P, Dorffner G, Mitterhauser M, Hacker M, Pezawas L, Kasper S, Wadsak W, Praschak-Rieder N, Willeit M (2020) On the relationship of first-episode psychosis to the amphetamine-sensitized state: a dopamine D2/3 receptor agonist radioligand study Transl Psychiat, 10 (2): 2
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2020 Reviews

  • Bartova L, Mitschek MMM, Kasper S (2020) Das aktuelle Verständnis der sogenannten behandlungsresistenten Depression Jatros Neurologie & Psychiatrie , 06/2020: 44-49

2019 Original Articles

  • Meyer BM, Rabl U, Huemer J, Bartova L, Kalcher K, Provenzano J, Brandner C, Sezen P, Kasper S, Schatzberg AF, Moser E, Chen G, Pezawas L (2019) Prefrontal Networks Dynamically Related to Recovery from Major Depressive Disorder: a Longitudinal Pharmacological fMRI Study. Transl Psychiat, 9: 46
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  • Bartova L, Dold M, Kautzky A, Fabbri C, Spies M, Serretti A, Souery D, Mendlewicz J, Zohar J, Montgomery S, Schosser A, Kasper S (2019) Results of the European Group for the Study of Resistant Depression (GSRD) — basis for further research and clinical practice World J Biol Psychiatry, 20 (6): 427-448
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  • Fugger G, Dold M, Bartova L, Kautzky A, Souery D, Mendlewicz J, Serretti A, Zohar J, Montgomery S, Frey R, Kasper S (2019) Major depression and comorbid diabetes - Findings from the European Group for the Study of Resistant Depression Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry, 94: 109638
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  • Fugger G, Dold M, Bartova L, Kautzky A, Souery D, Mendlewicz J, Serretti A, Zohar J, Montgomery S, Frey R, Kasper S (2019) Comorbid hypertension in patients with major depressive disorder – Results from a European multicenter study Eur Neuropsychopharmacol, 29 (6): 777-785
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  • Winkler D, Reichardt B, Kranz G, Bartova L, Kasper S, Pjrek E (2019) Seasonality of antidepressant prescriptions and sick leaves J Psychiatr Res, 111: 128-133
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  • Dold M, Bartova L, Kautzky A, Porcelli S, Montgomery S, Zohar J, Mendlewicz J, Souery D, Serretti A, Kasper S (2019) Psychotic Features in Patients With Major Depressive Disorder J Clin Psychiatry, 80 (1): 17m12090
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  • Fabbri C, Kasper S, Kautzky A, Bartova L, Dold M, Zohar J, Souery D, Montgomery S, Albani D, Raimondi I, Dikeos D, Rujescu D, Uher R, Lewis C, Mendlewicz J, Serretti A (2019) Genome-wide association study of treatment-resistance in depression and meta-analysis of three independent samples Br J Psychiatry, 214 (1): 36-41
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  • Kautzky A, Dold M, Bartova L, Spies M, Kranz G, Souery D, Montgomery S, Mendlewicz J, Zohar J, Fabbri C, Serretti A, Lanzenberger R, Dikeos D, Rujescu D, Kasper S (2019) Clinical factors predicting treatment resistant depression: affirmative results from the European multicenter study Acta Psychiatr Scand, 139 (1): 78-88
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2019 Book Chapters

  • Kasper S, Bartova L, Dold M (2019) Psychopharmakotherapie der unipolaren Depression. . In: Bundesministerium für Arbeit, Soziales, Gesundheit und Konsumentenschutz., Depressionsbericht Österreich. Eine interdisziplinäre und multiperspektivische Bestandsaufnahme. Bundesministerium für Arbeit, Soziales, Gesundheit und Konsumentenschutz.: 170-182

2018 Original Articles

  • Fugger G, Dold M, Bartova L, Kautzky A, Souery D, Mendlewicz J, Serretti A, Zohar J, Montgomery S, Frey R, Kasper S (2018) Comorbid thyroid disease in patients with major depressive disorder - results from the European Group for the Study of Resistant Depression (GSRD) Eur Neuropsychopharmacol, 28 (6): 752-760
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  • Nussbaumer-Streit B, Pjrek E, Kien C, Gartlehner G, Bartova L, Friedrich M, Kasper S, Winkler D (2018) Implementing prevention of seasonal affective disorder from patients’ and physicians’ perspectives – a qualitative study BMC Psychiatry, 18 (1): 372
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  • Dold M, Bartova L, Kautzky A, Serretti A, Porcelli S, Souery D, Mendlewicz J, Montgomery S, Zohar J, Kasper S (2018) Clinical factors associated with augmentation treatment with second-generation antipsychotics and lithium in major depression – Results from a European multicenter study Eur Neuropsychopharmacol, 28 (12): 1305-1313
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  • Bartova L, Papageorgiou K, Milenkovic I, Dold M, Weidenauer A, Willeit M, Winkler D, Kasper S (2018) Rapid antidepressant effect of S-ketamine in schizophrenia Eur Neuropsychopharmacol, 28 (8): 980-982
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  • Dold M, Bartova L, Fugger G, Kautzky A, Souery D, Mendlewicz J, Papadimitriou G, Dikeos D, Ferentinos P, Porcelli S, Serretti A, Zohar J, Montgomery S, Kasper S (2018) Major Depression and the Degree of Suicidality: Results of the European Group for the Study of Resistant Depression (GSRD) Int J Neuropsychopharmacol, 21 (6): 539-549
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  • Caraci F, Calabrese F, Molteni R, Bartova L, Dold M, Leggio G, Fabbri C, Mendlewicz J, Racagni G, Kasper S, Riva M, Drago F (2018) International Union of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology CIV: The Neurobiology of Treatment-resistant Depression: From Antidepressant Classifications to Novel Pharmacological Targets Pharmacol Rev, 70 (3): 475-504
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  • Fugger G, Dold M, Bartova L, Kautzky A, Souery D, Mendlewicz J, Serretti A, Zohar J, Montgomery S, Frey R, Kasper S (2018) Comorbid thyroid disease in patients with major depressive disorder - results from the European Group for the Study of Resistant Depression (GSRD) Eur Neuropsychopharmacol, 28 (6): 752-760
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  • Dold M, Bartova L, Mendlewicz J, Souery D, Serretti A, Porcelli S, Zohar J, Montgomery S, Kasper S (2018) Clinical correlates of augmentation/combination treatment strategies in major depressive disorder Acta Psychiatr Scand, 137 (5): 401-412
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  • Kautzky A, Dold M, Bartova L, Spies M, Vanicek T, Souery D, Montgomery S, Mendlewicz J, Zohar J, Fabbri C, Serretti A, Lanzenberger R, Kasper S (2018) Refining Prediction in Treatment-Resistant Depression J Clin Psychiatry, 79 (1): 16m11385
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2018 Reviews

  • Weidenauer A, Sauerzopf U, Bartova L, Bauer M, Praschak-Rieder N, Kasper S, Willeit M (2018) Sensibilisierung auf Amphetamine: Bedeutung für die Schizophrenie- und Suchtforschung Journal für Neurologie, Neurochirurgie und Psychiatrie, 19 (2): 66-der 71
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2017 Original Articles

  • Dold M, Bartova L, Souery D, Mendlewicz J, Porcelli S, Serretti A, Zohar J, Montgomery S, Kasper S (2017) Low comorbid obsessive-compulsive disorder in patients with major depressive disorder – Findings from a European multicenter study J Affect Disord, 227: 254-259
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  • Dold M, Bartova L, Rupprecht R, Kasper S (2017) Dose Escalation of Antidepressants in Unipolar Depression: A Meta-Analysis of Double-Blind, Randomized Controlled Trials Psychother Psychosom, : 283-291
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  • Dold M, Bartova L, Kautzky A, Souery D, Mendlewicz J, Serretti A, Porcelli S, Zohar J, Montgomery S, Kasper S (2017) The impact of comorbid post-traumatic stress disorder in patients with major depressive disorder on clinical features, pharmacological treatment strategies, and treatment outcomes – Results from a cross-sectional European multicenter study Eur Neuropsychopharmacol, 27 (7): 625-632
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  • Bartova L, Weidenauer A, Dold M, Naderi-Heiden A, Kasper S, Willeit M, Praschak-Rieder N (2017) Robust Antidepressant Effect Following Alternating Intravenous Racemic Ketamine and Electroconvulsive Therapy in Treatment-Resistant Depression J ECT, 33: e31-e32
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  • Dold M, Bartova L, Souery D, Mendlewicz J, Serretti A, Porcelli S, Zohar J, Montgomery S, Kasper S (2017) Clinical characteristics and treatment outcomes of patients with major depressive disorder and comorbid anxiety disorders - results from a European multicenter study J Psychiatr Res, 91: 1-13
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  • Kraus C, Rabl U, Vanicek T, Carlberg L, Popovic A, Spies M, Bartova L, Gryglewski G, Papageorgiou K, Lanzenberger R, Willeit M, Winkler D, Rybakowski J, Kasper S (2017) Administration of ketamine for unipolar and bipolar depression Int J Psychiatry Clin Pract, 21: 2-12
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2017 Reviews

  • Weidenauer A, Bauer M, Sauerzopf U, Bartova L, Praschak-Rieder N, Sitte H, Kasper S, Willeit M (2017) Making Sense of: Sensitization in Schizophrenia Int J Neuropsychopharmacol, 20 (1): 1-10
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2016 Original Articles

  • Dold M, Kautzky A, Bartova L, Rabl U, Souery D, Mendlewicz J, Porcelli S, Serretti A, Zohar J, Montgomery S, Kasper S (2016) Pharmacological treatment strategies in unipolar depression in European tertiary psychiatric treatment centers – A pharmacoepidemiological cross-sectional multicenter study Eur Neuropsychopharmacol, 26 (12): 1960-1971
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  • Mandelli L, Souery D, Bartova L, Kasper S, Montgomery S, Zohar J, Mendlewicz J, Serretti A (2016) Bipolar II disorder as a risk factor for postpartum depression J Affect Disord, 204: 54-58
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  • Meyer B, Huemer J, Rabl U, Boubela R, Kalcher K, Berger A, Banaschewski T, Barker G, Bokde A, Büchel C, Conrod P, Desrivières S, Flor H, Frouin V, Gallinat J, Garavan H, Heinz A, Ittermann B, Jia T, Lathrop M, Martinot J, Nees F, Rietschel M, Smolka M, Bartova L, Popovic A, Scharinger C, Sitte H, Steiner H, Friedrich M, Kasper S, Perkmann T, Praschak-Rieder N, Haslacher H, Esterbauer H, Moser E, Schumann G, Pezawas L (2016) Oppositional COMT Val158Met effects on resting state functional connectivity in adolescents and adults Brain Struct Funct, 221 (1): 103-114
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2015 Original Articles

  • Bartova L, Dold M, Praschak-Rieder N, Naderi-Heiden A, Kasper S (2015) Ultra-High-Dose Long-Acting Injectable Aripiprazole in Chronic Refractory Schizophrenia: A Case Report J Clin Toxicol, 05 (05)
  • Bartova L, Vogl S, Stamenkovic M, Praschak-Rieder N, Naderi-Heiden A, Kasper S, Willeit M (2015) Combination of intravenous S-ketamine and oral tranylcypromine in treatment-resistant depression: A report of two cases Eur Neuropsychopharmacol, 25: 2183-2184
  • Bartova L, Meyer B, Diers K, Rabl U, Scharinger C, Popovic A, Pail G, Kalcher K, Boubela R, Huemer J, Mandorfer D, Windischberger C, Sitte H, Kasper S, Praschak-Rieder N, Moser E, Brocke B, Pezawas L (2015) Reduced Default Mode Network Suppression during a Working Memory Task in Remitted Major Depression J Psychiatr Res, 64: 9-18

2014 Original Articles

  • Kalcher K, Boubela R, Huf W, Bartova L, Kronnerwetter C, Derntl B, Pezawas L, Filzmoser P, Nasel C, Moser E (2014) The Spectral Diversity of Resting-State Fluctuations in the Human Brain PLoS One, 9 (4): e93375
  • Rabl U, Meyer B, Diers K, Bartova L, Berger A, Mandorfer D, Popovic A, Scharinger C, Huemer J, Kalcher K, Pail G, Haslacher H, Perkmann T, Windischberger C, Brocke B, Sitte H, Pollak D, Dreher J, Kasper S, Praschak-Rieder N, Moser E, Esterbauer H, Pezawas (2014) Additive Gene-Environment Effects on Hippocampal Structure in Healthy Humans J Neurosci, 34 (30): 9917-9926
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  • Scharinger C, Rabl U, Kasess C, Meyer B, Hofmaier T, Diers K, Bartova L, Pail G, Huf W, Uzelac Z, Hartinger B, Kalcher K, Perkmann T, Haslacher H, Meyer-Lindenberg A, Kasper S, Freissmuth M, Windischberger C, Willeit M, Lanzenberger R, Esterbauer H ,Brocke B, Moser E, Sitte H, Pezawas L (2014) Platelet Serotonin Transporter Function Predicts Default-Mode Network Activity PLoS One, 9 (3): e92543

2014 Book Chapters

  • Bartova L, Pezawas L (2014) Reccurent Brief Depressive Disorder (RDB). In: , Encyclopedia of Psychopharmacology Springer Berlin Heidelberg: 1-4

2012 Thesis Works Diploma

  • Bartova L (2012) Functional abnormalities within the working memory network in remitted major depressive disorder Thesis Work Diploma,

2011 Reviews

  • Scharinger C, Bartova L, Pezawas L (2011) Brain-derived neurotrophic factor: a peripheral biomarker for major depressive disorder and antidepressant efficacy? Personalized Medizine, 8: 115-117

2010 Reviews

  • Bartova L, Berger A, Pezawas L (2010) Is there a personalized medicine for mood disorders Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci, 260 Suppl 2: 121-126