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Medical NeuroScience Cluster Publications by Todt, Hannes, Ao.Univ.-Prof.

2021 Original Articles

  • Szabó P, Ebner J, Koenig X, Hamza O, Watzinger S, Trojanek S, Abraham D, Todt H, Kubista H, Schicker K, Remy S, Anegon I, Kiss A, Podesser B, Hilber K (2021) Cardiovascular phenotype of the Dmdmdx rat – a suitable animal model for Duchenne muscular dystrophy Dis. Model. Mech, 14 (2)
  • Amstetter D, Badt F, Rubi L, Bittner R, Ebner J, Uhrin P, Hilber K, Koenig X, Todt H (2021) The bradycardic agent ivabradine decreases conduction velocity in the AV node and in the ventricles in-vivo Eur J Pharmacol, 893: 173818

2020 Original Articles

  • Todt H, Dorninger F, Rothauer P, Fischer C, Schranz M, Bruegger B, Lüchtenborg C, Ebner J, Hilber K, Koenig X, Erdem F, Gawali V, Berger J (2020) Oral batyl alcohol supplementation rescues decreased cardiac conduction in ether phospholipid‐deficient mice J Inherit Metab Dis., 43: 1046-1055

2018 Original Articles

  • Cervenka R, Lukacs P, Gawali V, Ke S, Koenig X, Rubi L, Zarrabi T, Hilber K, Sandtner W, Stary-Weinzinger A, Todt H (2018) Distinct modulation of inactivation by a residue in the pore domain of voltage-gated Na+ channels: mechanistic insights from recent crystal structures Sci Rep, 8 (1)

2017 Original Articles

  • Gawali, V. S., Simeonov, S., Drescher, M., Knott, T., Scheel, O., Kudolo, J., Kahlig, H., Hochenegg, U., Roller, A., Todt, H., Maulide, N (2017) C2-Modified Sparteine Derivatives Are a New Class of Potentially Long-Acting Sodium Channel Blockers ChemMedChem,

2011 Original Articles

  • Koenig X, Dysek S, Kimbacher S, Mike A, Cervenka R, Lukacs P, Nagl K, Dang X, Todt H, Bittner R, Hilber K (2011) Voltage-Gated Ion Channel Dysfunction Precedes Cardiomyopathy Development in the Dystrophic Heart PLoS One, 6 (5): e20300

2010 Reviews

  • Cervenka R, Zarrabi T, Lukacs P, Todt H (2010) The Outer Vestibule of the Na+ Channel–Toxin Receptor and Modulator of Permeation as Well as Gating Mar Drugs, 8 (4): 1373-1393
  • Zarrabi T, Cervenka R, Sandtner W, Lukacs P, Koenig X, Hilber K, Mille M, Lipkind GM, Fozzard HA, Todt H. (2010) A molecular switch between the outer and the inner vestibules of the voltage-gated Na+ channel. J Biol Chem, 285(50): 39458-39470

2008 Reviews

  • Mille M, Koenig X, Zebedin E, Uhrin P, Cervenka R, Todt H, Hilber K (2008) Sodium current properties of primary skeletal myocytes and cardiomyocytes derived from different mouse strains , 457 (5): 1023-1033

2007 Reviews

  • Zebedin E, Mille M, Speiser M, Zarrabi T, Sandtner W, Latzenhofer B, Todt H, Hilber K. (2007) C2C12 skeletal muscle cells adopt cardiac-like sodium current properties in a cardiac cell environment. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol, 292: H439-H450
  • Szendroedi J, Sandtner W, Zarrabi T, Zebedin E, Hilber K, Dudley SC Jr, Fozzard HA, Todt H. (2007) Speeding the recovery from ultraslow inactivation of voltage-gated Na+ channels by metal ion binding to the selectivity filter: a foot-on-the-door? Biophys. J, 93(12): 4209-4224

2004 Reviews

  • Sandtner W, Szendroedi J, Zarrabi T, Zebedin E, Hilber K, Glaaser I, Fozzard HA, Dudley SC, Todt H. (2004) Lidocaine: a foot in the door of the inner vestibule prevents ultra-slow inactivation of a voltage-gated sodium channel. Mol Pharmacol, 66(3): 648-657

2003 Reviews

  • Mörtl D, Agneter E, Krivanek P, Koppatz K, Todt H. (2003) Dual rate-dependent cardiac electrophysiologic effects of haloperidol: slowing of intraventricular conduction and lengthening of repolarization. J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol., 41(6): 870-9

2001 Reviews

  • Hilber K, Sandtner W, Kudlacek O, Glaaser IW, Weisz E, Kyle JW, French RJ, Fozzard HA, Dudley SC, Todt H. (2001) The selectivity filter of the voltage-gated sodium channel is involved in channel activation. J Biol Chem, 276: 27831-27839